Here’s how to effectively deal with a hangover – Have fun, but don’t drive!


A hangover occurs when the amount of alcohol in the blood begins to decrease. In fact, according to some research, the worst part begins when there is no alcohol left in the body

The hangover it’s your body’s way of punishing you when you overdo it. Today is a day to drink, but in moderation. If, however, the situation gets out of hand, read what can help you. And the most important: Don’t drive!

What helps with a hangover?

  • Drink some more

I’m so sorry to say it, but this really does help, as a hangover is a form of withdrawal syndrome. By giving the body a little more substance, you alleviate the withdrawal symptoms. However, this method simply perpetuates a vicious cycle of bad practices and does not prevent recovery.

Alcohol blocks the hormone vasopressin, which reduces the amount of urine produced in the kidneys. Thus, alcohol promotes the process of urination. If your hangover is accompanied by diarrhea, sweat, and vomiting, you may be even more dehydrated. It can be hard to get even a sip of water down with nausea, but even a little water goes a long way in curing a hangover.

  • Eat carbs

Drinking lowers blood glucose levels, so the exhaustion and headache may be due to the fact that the brain is running without its essential fuel. It is very common to forget to eat while drinking, which lowers glucose levels even more. A toast with juice can do wonders to get you back from a hangover.

  • Avoid dark drinks

Research has shown that white drinks (vodka, gin, etc.) cause less hangovers than dark drinks (whiskey, red wine, tequila). The main form of alcohol in spirits is ethanol, but dark drinks also include chemically related molecules, such as methanol. And while the same enzymes in the body metabolize ethanol and methanol, the metabolites of the latter are particularly toxic, causing a severe hangover.

  • Take a painkiller, but with caution!

Aspirin, ibuprofen help with the headache and the general feeling of discomfort. However, watch your stomach…

  • Drink coffee or tea

Caffeine may not be terribly effective against hangovers, but as a stimulant it can help the process.

  • B vitamins and Zinc

A recent study found that people who consume foods and drinks rich in zinc and B vitamins get through their hangovers much more “relaxed”.

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