Holy Week, as a period of contemplation, concentration and religious devotion, is characterized by the believers’ effort to limit dietary excesses and follow rules of fasting and nutritional “healthy” austerity.

Waiting, of course, for the Resurrection and Easter, where all the gastronomic extravagances will be on the Easter table. But what about people suffering from diabetes? How will they participate in the nutritional excesses of the Easter table?

“A person with diabetes, in order to achieve a better course of his disease, has learned to live with some small dietary restrictions and follow a specific plan within the framework of the Mediterranean diet. A more nutritionally “liberal” Easter table that takes place one day a year will not affect this perennial effort. Therefore, if there are no comorbidities such as chronic renal failure or hyperuricemia, he can consume whatever is on the table (lamb, chicken, tzatziki eggs, etc.) but without excesses in the amounts of starchy foods (such as pies, potatoes, bread) and of sweets”, emphasizes the Pathologist – Diabetologist dr. Andreas Melidonis.

“A good piece of advice we could give is for diabetics to accompany the meat they will eat with plenty of salad, as vegetable fiber binds some of the cholesterol in the food, while at the same time reducing the glycemic load of the meal, leading to a smoother increase in blood sugar levels.

Regarding alcohol, 2 units of alcohol are allowed during the meal, which practically corresponds to about 2 glasses of wine or 2 cans of beer or 2 shots of tsipouro. In case of a desire for something sweet, it would be preferable to consume it in the afternoon with some time difference from the meal and to prefer a sweet with stevia. Finally, we should not forget physical exercise. A good walk after eating can contribute to digestion and also to avoid gaining unwanted weight”, adds Mr. Melidonis.

“In conclusion, Holy Week and the Easter that follows can and should be an exercise in faith, patience and persistence in the compliance of healthy dietary choices. Such a diet and health behavior will lead to the coexistence of the Resurrection of the Lord with the metabolic “resurrection” of people with diabetes”, the experts conclude.