Digital breast tomosynthesis: an advanced technique


The system of newer generation mammograms that support this technique has the ability to take multiple sections of millimeter thickness from different, continuous angles and then reconstruct them into images similar to those of classical digital mammography.

The analysis of the breast parenchyma in thin continuous sections is clearly superior to the ability to find small lesions, as there are no longer the usual diagnostic difficulties associated with the projection of normal fibroid elements. In this way, any early lesions are better highlighted.

The diagnostic sensitivity of the method has been tested in multiple multicenter studies abroad and has been confirmed as superior to plain digital mammography. For this reason, the European Union’s updated guidelines on screening for breast cancer indicate that it can now be done either by digital tomosynthesis or by digital mammography.

Tomosynthesis deserves its place in the battle for the correct diagnosis of breast cancer.

See more in the video below:

Alexandra Athanassiou, MD, MSc,
Director of MITERA Breast Imaging Center
Executive Board Member of European Society of Breast Imaging


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