The same thing makes me happy and sad (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Having mixed feelings can be overwhelming and confusing.

For example, how can anger and joy exist in the same space?

But it’s common to juggle more than one set of emotions at once.

Your brain may seem like a mess, but it’s a very “normal” experience that teaches us more about the nuances and complexities of our lives.

In rare cases, things can come back and turn white.

Dora Kamau, a mindfulness meditation teacher at the Headspace app, wants to spread that message and help people find conflicting emotions more easily.

In an interview with Dora, she said:

“One moment we can experience something painful, and the next moment we can experience laughter and joy.”

“To acknowledge joy is to allow these feelings to come and go.”

So how do you get them to do that?

She answers:

“What prolongs emotions is rumination, obsession and overthinking what you’re going through.”

woman in meditation

Start practicing meditation to let go of your emotions (Image: Getty Images/Westend61)

Create space for positive and negative emotions.

Because the mind has a natural bias towards negative emotions, it is much easier to perceive and perceive states of pain, anger, and sadness than joy and happiness.

“This is where mindfulness comes into play, lighting up our emotions and allowing us to find joy in our anger,” adds Dora.

Instead of seeing negative emotions as “bad,” mindfulness teaches us to accept and observe and feel them without judgment.

Labeling things as “good” or “bad” can get you stuck.

According to Dora, having moments of gratitude is much easier when we feel miserable about aspects of our lives but are able to take a step toward acceptance.

“When we give ourselves permission to do something, we give ourselves permission and open up possibilities,” he says.

“When you allow yourself to feel happy, when you are upset, you allow yourself to feel and respect what you feel.

Limiting emotional expression creates resistance and tension in the mind and body that can actually prolong states of anxiety.

“It’s important to be able to feel and process your emotions, independent of our own.”

For example, we can feel uncomfortable with a situation, but we can also find joy in that aspect.

Fun doesn’t deny you the misery you’re going through, but anxiety doesn’t mean you can’t have moments of joy.

“It’s okay to let go of conflicting emotions, but it helps you work through heavier, more intense emotions,” says Dora.

It is normal for people to experience many complex emotions at once..

Tips for coexisting conflicting emotions:

  • establish a routine meditation Turn off your phone. Choose the same time or place when you meditate. You can also reserve time on your calendar to prevent others from scheduling during your allotted time. Start with 5 minutes at a time, 2 or 3 times a week and you will always be reliable.
  • with heart to walk A walk around your house, garden, or neighborhood can help clear your mind of stressful thoughts and allow you to focus on the pace of your walk. Sitting and meditating helps you focus on your breath.
  • self pity It also makes us feel happy and can make us feel sad. Remember that we are worthy and deserve to feel joy even when we are upset.
  • If you find yourself experiencing moments of joy at the same time saddened Try to experience both instead of choosing one or the other. You can check what you feel by placing your hand over your heart and taking a few deep breaths to remind yourself that it’s okay to feel what you feel.

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