Substitute teachers: Applications from today – What to watch out for


Candidates will be informed about their recruitment from the official website of the Ministry of Education and by SMS to their mobile phone.

From today, August 16, until Tuesday, August 23, teachers can submit the application for declaration of preference for the recruitment of substitutes for the academic year 2022-2023.

Those interested can register their applications electronically on the platform of the Integrated Information System for Primary and Secondary Education Personnel Management (

For their recruitment, they will be informed from the official website of the Ministry of Education and Religion ( as well as by SMS to the mobile phone they have registered.

The invitation concerns Primary and Secondary Education teachers who are registered:

  • in the final ranking tables of A’ primary and secondary General Education teacher candidates of the disciplines PE01, PE02, PE03, PE04, PE05, PE06, PE07, PE08, PE11, PE33, PE34, PE40, PE41, PE60, PE70, PE73, PE78, PES79, PES80, PES81, PES82, PES83, PES84, PES85, PES86, PES87, PES88, PES89, PES90, PES91 of the Announcements of ASEP 1GE/2019 and 2GE/2019 (which were published, respectively, in Official Gazette 3΄1588/2021 , and Γ΄ 1653/2021, 1694 Γ΄/2021, as reformed and valid) as well as branches ΤΕ01, ΤΕ02, ΤΕ16, ΔΕ01 and ΔΕ02 of Proclamations 1ΓT/2020 and 2GD/2020 of ASEP (which were published, respectively, in Official Gazettes C΄ 2679/2021, and C΄ 2680/2021, as amended and in force),
  • in the temporary evaluation tables of ranking B’ and temporary auxiliary evaluation tables of paragraph 4 of article 58 of Law 4589/2019 of primary and secondary education candidates for EAE PE71 and PE61 branches and PE01, PE02, PE03, PE04, PE05, PE06, PE07 branches ,PE08, PE11, Page 2 of 24 PE33, PE34, PE40, PE41, PE60, PE70, PE73, PE78, PE79, PE80, PE81, PE82, PE83, PE84, PE85, PE86, PE87, PE88, PE89, PE90, PE91 . ),
  • in the temporary ranking tables of ASEP’s 1EA/2022 and 2EA/2022 announcements for EEP-EBP members.

Candidates should:

1. To be:

(a) Greek citizens.

(b) Citizens of member states of the European Union [ν. 2431/1996 (Α΄ 175)].

(c) Northern Epirotians, Cypriot expatriates and expatriate foreigners, who come from Constantinople and the islands of Imbro and Tenedos and expatriates from Egypt, provided that their status as Greeks, by birth and conscience, is proven in other ways, according to the provisions of n.d. 3832/1958 (Α΄128), as in force, without requiring a certificate of Greek citizenship.

2. To have the health that allows them to perform the duties of the position they choose (Article 7 of Law 3528/2007, as applicable).

3. Not to have an obstacle to appointment/recruitment, neither at the time of expiry of the deadline for submission of the present electronic applications, nor at the time of recruitment, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant notices of the ASEP.

4. To fall within the age limit. The upper age limit of the candidates is set at the sixty-seventh year (67th) (No. 1959/2017 decision of the Council of Ministers). The minimum age limit is set at the twenty-first (21st) year. To meet the upper age limit, the date of birth is considered to be December 31 of the year of birth, while to meet the minimum age limit, the date of birth is considered to be January 1 of the year of birth (par. 4 of article 6 of Law 3528/2007 ).

5. At the time of recruitment, the men must have fulfilled their military obligations or have been legally released from them (Article 5 of Law 3528/2007 and Article 29 of Law 4440/2016).

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