Justice decides on the fate of little Lydia – The appeals of the parents of Anagnostopoulos and Caroline were discussed


In the coming days the Court of First Instance will decide the place of residence of the child, who now lives in the Philippines with her sister Caroline’s family

In the coming days, the Court of First Instance will rule on the appeals filed by the families of Babis Anagnostopoulos and Caroline Crouchs, who was murdered by the pilot, regarding the place of residence of the child, who now lives in the Philippines with Caroline’s sister’s family.

The court, behind closed doors, examined the applications of Susan Crouch, Caroline’s mother, and the parents of the man sentenced to life for the murder of the 20-year-old, Babis Anagnostopoulos, who are reacting to the relocation of their granddaughter outside of Greece.

During the discussion, a psychiatrist from the maternal grandparents’ side, who had also testified at the trial for the crime in Glyka Nera, and a teacher from the paternal grandparents’ side, who was sentenced to life for the murder of the 20-year-old, were examined.

The appeal of Caroline’s parents, who have been given custody of Lydia by a court decision, concerns the change of the way and hours of communication with the paternal grandparents, due to the child’s relocation.

The pilot’s parents are asking for custody of the child to be taken away from Caroline’s parents and given to them, as they say the terms of contact were violated.

According to Caroline Crouch’s family advocate, “the court is asked to decide whether the child will continue to live in the comfortable and warm environment of Caroline’s family with her cousins ​​or return here.”

For his part, the advocate of the parents of Babis Anagnostopoulos said that all the effort of his principals concerns the good of their granddaughter. “The court will decide whether the child should grow up in Greece with all his grandparents or in the unknown environment in the Philippines. There is a violation of decision. Grandparents learned about it on TV. The decision on the communication side is violated. The main purpose is to return the child to Greece”, he noted.


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