End in chicken coops and stables within the Town Plans in Agios Nikolaos, Ierapetra and Sitia, it is included by decision of the Regional Governor of Crete, Stavros Arnautakis.

Prohibitions and limits are now introduced in the inland settlements of these cities, while changes are foreseen for the very small poultry breeding facilities.

In detail, the decision of the Regional Governor provides:

  1. It is prohibited to keep animals and birds within the City Plans of Agios Nikolaos, Ierapetra and Sitia.
  2. In the inland regional settlements of the above cities, on the conditions that they are not classified as touristic and are at least 400 meters from the coastline, and on the outskirts of Neapolis as an agricultural and livestock city, it is permitted to keep up to two (2) adult sheep and goats and their offspring up to four months old with maximum total number of animals five (5), six (6) poultry and two (2) rabbits excluding mammals until their slaughter.
  3. In the other settlements of the prefecture (except tourist ones) it is allowed to keep up to two (2) adult sheep and goats and their offspring up to four months old with a maximum total number of animals of (5) five, ten (10) poultry, four (4) rabbits not included of suckling pigs until their slaughter, one (1) sow and one (1) pig until the final fattening stage.
  4. The term ornithoids include laying hens, broilers, ducks, geese, turkeys, guinea fowls, pheasants, partridges, quails.
  5. The keeping of animals and birds of more than the three aforementioned categories is NOT considered a stable of domestic animals, but a mixed poultry breeding facility that will require the issuance of the required permits.
  6. It is forbidden to keep animals and birds in tourist areas or places of tourist interest (beach areas, archaeological sites, etc.)
  7. For case (2), the permitted number of animals and birds will be kept in suitable facilities, which will be located closest to the owner’s home or, if this is not possible, at a distance of fifty (50) meters from any other legal residence.

For case (3) the permitted number of animals and birds will be kept in suitable facilities, which will be located closest to the owner’s house or, in case this is not possible, at a distance of thirty (30) meters for poultry, rabbits and goats and seventy (70) meters for pigs, and horses, from each other legal residence.

In any case, it is necessary to respect the distances from sensitive activities, as described in article 20 “Appendix” of Law 4056/2012. 8) It is forbidden for kept domestic animals and birds to roam freely outside the breeding facilities.

Livestock facilities for domestic animals and birds should meet the following conditions:

  • It will be of stable construction and of a capacity proportional to the type and number of animals or birds housed. Stalls constructed with rough materials should be excluded.
  • They will be adequately ventilated and lit.
  • The hygiene and welfare of animals and birds will be ensured.
  • For pigs, horses and rabbits, the floor will be made of waterproof material (cement) and relatively smooth, and urine and water will be properly drained, in cases of washing, they will be drained into legal cesspools. When warm litter is used (for poultry and sheep), it can be removed directly to the fields. Every effort will be made to keep the floor dry by all means. The flow of biological and other liquids outside the animal or bird housing area is prohibited.
  • Wall surfaces shall be smooth and shall be cleaned and disinfected or if waterproof shall be washed regularly to keep them clean.
  • No 16 wire mesh will be permanently installed in the wall openings.
  • Mangers and troughs should preferably be made of waterproof material with smooth inner surfaces so that they can be cleaned.
  • The dung of pigs, cattle, horses and rabbits will be collected at least three times a week in a compost heap. The cesspool will have a raised cement floor, so that it is not affected by the surrounding surface water, with a suitable slope, for the drainage of liquids into a cesspool, and it will be covered with a roof so that it is not affected by rainwater, as long as this roof deemed necessary by the competent committee.

If the concentration of manure is done in a compost heap, inside a closed space and the floors of this space will be made of cement with a smooth surface and with a suitable slope towards a floor well, for draining the liquids into a cesspool. The dung of goats, sheep and poultry can, if no hot bed is used or if the efficiency of the used hot bed is not satisfactory, be collected in composters as defined above.

From its collection point, the koprosoros will be removed to the fields, where it will be buried in a way that does not create problems at the expense of Public Health and the environment in general. The deposition of manure in heaps will be done away from houses, roads, springs and wells and in a way that ensures Public Health and the environment.