From tomorrow Thursday, in the afternoon, the payment of the special allowance will begin to the pensioners who did not see an increase in their earnings due to the personal difference. As the EFKA spokesperson told Sky 100.3, Homer Tsapalosthe payment will be completed on Friday morning, however, most people will see the money in their accounts from tomorrow afternoon.

Beneficiaries of the allowance, which ranges from 200 to 300 euros and will be paid once, are more than one million pensioners.

Who are the beneficiaries per category?

The beneficiaries of the 200 to 300 euro bonus are divided into 7 categories based on the criteria (increase rate, pension amount, other benefits). The first three categories include 560,000 beneficiaries who did not receive an increase due to a personal difference and had small benefits.


In the first category 120,000 pensioners (5% of all pensioners) with pensions from 800 to 1000 euros are included, who did not get any increase at all, as they maintain a significant personal difference. The pensioners in question will get the high bonus of 300 euros.

In the second category this includes 370,000 pensioners with pensions of up to 800 euros, who received the Christmas punctuality check of 250 euros, but did not get any increase at all, as they maintain a personal difference. And this category will receive the high bonus of 300 euros to face the wave of accuracy.

In the third category 70,000 pensioners with a sum of main pensions of 1,000 to 1,100 euros are included, who also did not receive an increase due to a personal difference. They had, however, a negligible benefit of 36 euros a year from the abolition of the solidarity levy. And this number of pensioners will receive an allowance of 300 euros.

In the fourth category belong to 300,000 pensioners with a sum of pensions between 1,100 and 1,600 euros, who did not receive increases and benefited from the abolition of the solidarity contribution of about 111 euros per year. This number of pensioners will receive an allowance of 250 euros.

In the fifth category 94,000 pensioners with a sum of pensions of up to 1,100 euros are included, who did not see the full increase of 7.75% but got a smaller increase of up to 3.49%. The pensioners in question will receive an aid of 250 euros.
The sixth category includes 33,000 pensioners with pensions from 1,100 to 1,600, who received an increase of up to 3.49%. The pensioners in question will receive a bonus of 200 euros.

In the seventh category 158,000 pensioners with a sum of pensions up to 1,100 euros are included, who got an increase from 3.5% to 6.9%. And this crowd of pensioners will receive a bonus of 200 euros.

Which categories of pensioners are covered by the emergency financial aid?

It concerns all pensioners who have a personal difference and have a sum of main pensions up to 1,600 euros per month and either did not see the 7.75% increase at all in the previous month or received less than that. These pensioners are estimated at 1,112,000 out of a total of 2.5 million pensioners. The rest of the pensioners will not receive the extraordinary aid as they have already received the 7.75% increase and have no personal difference.

The emergency aid is tax free, inalienable and impregnable. It is not subject to any fee, levy or other withholding in favor of the State. Therefore the amounts announced will be paid in full.

They will NOT receive the emergency aid

Pensioners with a sum of main pensions of more than 1,600 euros per month (about 2% of pensioners) will not receive an emergency aid. These pensioners have already seen a significant annual benefit of 500-600 euros due to the abolition of the special solidarity levy.