Explosion of viral load in the sewage of Thessaloniki – What the measurements showed


A significant increase in the viral load of SARS-CoV-2 in the municipal waste of Thessaloniki is recorded in the last measurements of the week for the research conducted by the Sewage Epidemiology Team of AUTh with EYATH, in collaboration with the Region of Central Macedonia and within the National Network of EODY.

As shown in the diagrams presented by (attached), after two days of observed signs of deceleration of the explosive rise of the viral load, a new increase followed at a significantly higher level.

Specifically, in the samples taken daily at the entrance of the Thessaloniki Wastewater Treatment Plant, regarding the rationalized values ​​of relative viral load secretion, the average value of the two most recent measurements, namely, Wednesday 05/01 and Thursday 06/01 is:

– Increased (+ 46%) compared to the average value of the two immediately preceding measurements on Monday 03/01 and Tuesday 04/01.

– Increased (+ 90%) compared to the average price of the previous Tuesday 29/12/2021 and Wednesday 30/12/2021.

“An increase of 46% in two days shows that the Omicron strain is spreading rapidly and the number of patients in the city is multiplying. “The development confirms the assessment we made in the previous days that at such a high level of dispersion, any daily stabilization is likely to be temporary”, said to APE-MPE the rector of AUTh and scientifically responsible for the research project Professor Nikos Papaioannou.

The coronavirus assessment methodology in municipal waste, developed by the Sewage Epidemiology Team of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, streamlines the measurements of virus genome concentration based on 24 environmental factors, which can alter the results of the measurements.

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