Tomorrow, Friday 12 May 2023 at 13:00, it starts the submission of electronic applications for the 3rd cycle of the “Program for granting business initiatives to employ young freelancers aged 18 to 29 with an emphasis on the digital economy”.

The goal of the 12-month action is to promote the self-employment of 300 young unemployed people through the creation of sustainable businesses, with an emphasis on the digital economy.

The application deadline expires on Monday, June 12, 2023 and time 15:00.

The amount of support for new businesses amounts to 14,800 euros and will be paid in three installments as follows:

  • 1st installment of 4,000 euros, after the start of activity at DOU
  • 2nd installment of 5,400 euros, after the end of the first semester from the start of the business
  • 3rd installment of 5,400 euros, after the end of the second semester from the start of the business

Beneficiaries of the action are the registrants unemployed 18-29 year olds who will submit a funding application, which includes a business plan proposal. The funding application (investment proposal) is submitted exclusively electronically to the State Aid Information System (SSIS) of the Ministry of Development and Investments at

The program, with a total budget of 45,000,000 euros, is co-financed by the Greek State and the European Social Fund/Youth Employment Initiative, within the Operational Program “Human Resource Development, Education and Lifelong Learning 2014 – 2020”.

The process, methodology and application evaluation criteria are described in detail in the Public Call. For more information, those interested can visit the DYPA website