“We will not make any discounts. The children will be led, when they are led again to lifelong education only when there is complete securitywhich is not only limited to water”, emphasized the Deputy Minister of Education, Zetta Makriresponding to the Plenary’s remarks Meropis Tsoufi (SYRIZA) and her Aphrodite Ctena (KKE) regarding the provisions for the return of students to schools in the region of Magnesia.

Mrs. Makri described the situation in the affected areas and he referred to the actions being taken to return the students to the classrooms safely.

He explained that in Volos except for the water problem, there is too much dust, while in other areas there are also animal corpses which may create health problems and assured that there will be no discount in terms of safety for the smooth transition of children to schools.

The competent deputy minister informed that teleconferences are held almost daily with the Regional Director and the directors of primary and secondary education so that the ministry has the most complete information possible and their own proposals, while tomorrow there will be a video conference, where the mayors – as the only ones responsible for this – will place in relation to the static and not only the adequacy of the buildings while the instructions of the Ministry of Health are awaited and assurances about children’s health safety.

He also informed that started a psychological support program in collaboration with EKPA with a team of Professor Chrysis Hatzichristou, the directors of the special education school units and the executives of KEDASY and tomorrow trainers will be on site, for parents, guardians and teachers, while there is also individual support for children in need and group support, as well as related material.

Regarding the possibility of distance learningraised by MPs Mrs. Makri replied that there is no such proposal from anyone and questioned why this is being maintained as an issue. Inform that the proposal that takes precedence among others is for the co-housing of children in school units that can serve children, with the consultation and consent of the parents so that they are close to the homes in which they are accommodated, a proposal which has a strong lead.

The cabins, if used, will be in the absolutely necessary number. We have 88,000 students, 1,036 school units, 10,000 teachers. We are also interested in the transportation of teachers and their own health and not only safety. Distance learning, however, has not been on the table so far» said the responsible deputy minister specifically.

During today’s Plenary meeting, was upvoted by a large majority (ND, SYRIZA, PASOK) The bill “Ratification of the Headquarters Agreement between the Government of the Hellenic Republic and the European Center for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP)”.