Efforts by the affected residents are continuing areas of the Regional Units of Karditsa and Trikala, so that their houses become livable and return to normality. Efforts are focused on removal of the mud, but also of the strong stench, the mold, and the fight against mosquitoes, for which the residents immediately request that there be spraying. The competent services are fighting their own battle to repair the damage to the infrastructure.

In this context, the restoration of regularity and quick access to Stournareika of the Municipality of Pyli of P.E. Trikala, with the installation of a Bailey type bridge, where work began yesterday. Within the week, access to the above village, as well as to the rest of the villages from the central road axis, will be restored, after the devastation caused by the recent natural disaster. Feeding the flood victims also has a primary role in the care of the affected. Up to 2,800 portions of food are offered daily by the Municipality of Trikkaia to flood victims, as announced by the municipal authority (lunch and dinner) to those who are accommodated in hotels, but also to those who live in villages and do not have the possibility to cook.

The food is prepared by the Social Restaurant of the Municipality of Trikkaia, by the nursery schools of the Municipality of Trikkaia, by the SMY and by private individuals, through the relevant process.