The motion of the process for criminal prosecution of the former Minister of Citizen Protection Nikos Toskas for the crime of perjury, she is asking, through her lawyer, for multiple burns from the deadly fire in Mati, accusing the former minister of having “exaggerated in two places” when he testified at the trial about the tragedy.

In a press release from the lawyer Panagiotis Balaktaris who represents as a representation advocate in Support of the Multiple Burns Class Ioanna Gatopoulou it is reported that during today’s trial at the Three-member Misdemeanor Court:

“He submitted a request before the Court so that the minutes of the trial according to article 39 of the Criminal Code be forwarded and criminal charges be brought against the former minister Mr. Nikolaos Toska for the crime of false testimony, as he was false in two points during his testimony before the Court. First, Mr. Toskas denied that he himself was giving orders at an operational level while the former prime minister Mr. Alexis Tsipras in his interview and the defendants said the opposite and secondly Mr. Toskas testified that he did not know about the diversion of the FLOGA 1 helicopter from Dau Pentelis in the direction of MOTOR OIL, while from the rest of the statements and in the apologies it turned out that he knew about it.”