UNICEF – SEEN: Memorandum of Cooperation for the promotion of children’s rights in Greece


Memorandum of cooperation aimed at promoting rights of children in Hellassigned by UNICEF and Passenger Shipping Business Association.

Basic objectives of memorandum According to the relevant announcement of the SEN, the increase of the awareness of the companies on the issues concerning the children as well as the strengthening of their role in finding solutions for them, as well as the strengthening of the appropriate policies and the ensuring high standards for responsible business conduct with regard to the protection of children’s rights.

The Memorandum of Cooperation is part of the broader strategy of UNICEF interventions in Greece, and more specifically the pursuit of “best practices” for the institutions and private actors of the economy, but also the collective bodies, with the aim of promoting the rights of children in the country, after the establishment of UNICEF office in Greece in November 2020. In the framework of the five-year national program of UNICEF (2022-2026) for Greece, UNICEF and the Association of Passenger Shipping Companies will implement actions, such as:

– Public education campaignswhich will be conducted inside the passenger ships and will be addressed to passengers of all ages in order to spread awareness messages related to the main pillars of the national program for Greece, such as the fight against child poverty and social exclusion, quality inclusive education, the protection of children from abuse and abandonment, the participation of adolescents and young people in the decision-making process, and the prevention of childhood obesity and mental health.

– Mobilization of resources to encourage passenger ship customers to support UNICEF’s work through donation mechanisms.

– Skills development program and internships for young people in the field of passenger shipping. Through a nationwide program supported by the companies – members of the association, opportunities for employment and vocational training will be offered to young people outside education, training and employment (NEETs), by providing training workshops and internships.

– “Child and Youth Friendly Cities” Initiative: The Initiative focuses on improving the lives of children in a city, a municipality or a community, promoting their rights as set out in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). For each “child-friendly city”, in the area of ​​which one of the members of SEEN is located, the member of the Association will contribute the initial costs for the first phase of the implementation of actions of the initiative, in consultation with the authorities of the local government.

O representative of UNICEF in Hellas, Luciano Calestini, said: “We are excited about the new partnership between the Passenger Shipping Association and UNICEF. SEEN represents one of the most vital and emblematic business sectors in Greece and plays a critical role in connecting island communities and families across the country. Joining forces to raise public awareness of the challenges facing children in Greece, and giving millions of passengers on passenger ships the opportunity to tackle solutions to these challenges, we have the opportunity to make a significant impact on children. throughout the country, with particular emphasis on the islands “.

With the opportunity of signature of Memorandum of CooperationThe President of SEEN, Spyridon Paschalis, noted: “Passenger shipping in Greece is fully intertwined with the development and prosperity of local communities and island communities. Despite the great and difficult problems we face as an industry due to the economic adversity caused by the pandemic and the recent sharp rise in fuel prices, the efforts we make to support local communities, especially in island Greece, are an integral part of the social our role. “Through the partnership we are starting with UNICEF, we will work to empower children and local communities in meaningful ways, even in the most remote parts of our country.”

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