Sarigiannis: Up to 92 dead a day until December 17 – What do the “models” for New Year show |


Up to 92 deaths from coronavirus daily around December 17 and up to 700 intubated patients around December 8 to 10, “show” the models of his team Professor of Environmental and Sanitary Engineering Demosthenes Sarigiannis, who spoke on SKAI TV and the show “Today”.

As he said, at the moment there is a slight stabilization for the fall of the cases, while from Sunday a new outbreak is expected that will lead to a peak around 3 to 4 December.

The “ifs” of the forecasts

The professor explained that all these predictions are based on the assumption that the protection measures will be strictly applied and many tests will be performed.

“There are many ‘ifs’ but I think the moments are beyond critical, with 70 people dying every day, which is unfortunately our failure as a society,” he said.

The forecast until the New Year

The average weekly case at the moment is 6,600 cases and if the measures are implemented it can reach 7,400, without ruling out that one day they will reach 8,000 or 8,500 thousand. Unfortunately, the professor continued, that means a lot of deaths.

If this wave peaks in early December, experts expect a de-escalation of 3,200 cases at Christmas “and if we are serious then we can see below, at 2,500 cases by the New Year which will be a tremendous success”.

Do not make predictions come true

Mr. Sarigiannis stressed that the goal of the scenarios elaborated by the experts is not to become a reality and reminded caution, reminding that in October there was a relaxation among the citizens, the situation escaped very quickly.

“We need constant vigilance and awareness that we are not done until we reach, go down, to very low levels or go to a very high degree of vaccination; both are the best,” he said.


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