São Paulo is entering its most lenient phase of restrictions since the pandemic began last year. In the capital, it was decreed this Thursday, the 28th, the end of more impediment rules in establishments in the city — there is no longer occupation limit, minimum distance requirement between people or working hours limits, for example. The decree was published by Mayor Ricardo Nunes (MDB) in the Official Gazette of the City.
The state government is preparing to relax the quarantine throughout the state, allowing dance floors in clubs and shows with standing and crowded audiences, from Monday, November 1st.
It’s the closest thing to normalcy in the pre-Covid world since the pandemic began.
For infectious diseases, however, it is important for the population to know that at concerts and night clubs there is no guarantee of protection against the virus. And that there are chances of being infected by Covid-19 even being vaccinated. “For those who want to be 100% protected, the advice is not to go to the slopes yet,” says Ivan França, an infectious disease specialist at the Oswaldo Cruz Hospital.
The requirement for a vaccine passport at the entrance to the events, however, is seen as positive by the physician. But it is worth noting that, even with 98% of the population of São Paulo over 12 years old vaccinated with at least one dose, people can still get infected with the disease.
“More important than looking at the percentage of the vaccinated population is looking at the community transmission of Covid-19”, says infectologist Evaldo Araujo, from the São Paulo Society of Infectology. This means monitoring the number of new cases, deaths, hospitalizations and, above all, the percentage of positive tests for coronaviruses performed.
If you decide to leave the house and frequent the crowded slopes, check out some recommendations from infectologists to try to protect yourself.
Where to go?
As there is no longer any restriction on the capacity of the public in places, infectologists recommend some criteria when choosing the environment to which they are going. The ideal is to choose places that guarantee air circulation, either through an exhaust system or with open areas, and that have air conditioning filters up to date. In addition, locations must respect safety standards, such as the availability of alcohol gel throughout the house. Another recommendation is to prioritize spaces that require proof of vaccination for attendees.
Or use of mask
The use of a mask is still mandatory in the state of São Paulo. Whether on the track or chatting with friends, it should only be taken when consuming some food or drink. “Don’t use the excuse of having the glass in your hand to be without the mask”, says França. Protection needs to be on your face at all times.
Which mask to use?
If you choose to go to environments where you will be in the audience — such as theatres, concerts or cinema —, it is recommended to use the PFF2, also known as the N95. Avoid masks with valves, as they do not guarantee the same protection.
In places where there will be a lot of manipulation of the mask for eating or drinking —such as in nightclubs, parties and restaurants—, it is recommended to use a disposable with three filter layers. Remember to always take a spare one, as if the protection is wet, dirty or torn, it will not guarantee the same filtration.
If you use the cloth one, make sure it is made with two layers. The best mask is the one used correctly. No mouth or nose left out. It should be snug in the face.
It’s hard to keep your distance in places like clubs and concerts — but if possible, stay at least three feet away from other people.
I am currently a news writer for News Bulletin247 where I mostly cover sports news. I have always been interested in writing and it is something I am very passionate about. In my spare time, I enjoy reading and spending time with my family and friends.