Another important step in the direction of better service to the citizens by EFKA is the introduction of the institution of Reception Officer and Flow Officer which is already a reality in 27 branches in Athens, Patras, Thessaloniki and Crete and will be supported in the first phase by 126 employees.

The Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Kostis Hatzidakis, had the opportunity to see how the new institution works during his visit today to the EFKA branch in New Philadelphia (where the employees in question have already been placed), accompanied by the EFKA Governor, Mr. Panagiotis Doufexis and the competent Deputy Commander Mr. Giorgos Gratzios.

Regarding the new institution, in case someone has not made an electronic appointment, the receptionist -located at the entrance of the EFKA branch- can make an appointment for him or in some cases help him to be served on the spotespecially if it concerns our vulnerable fellow citizens (disabled, pregnant, elderly, etc.).

Employees guide policyholders who come to the branch as to exactly which department they should visit. They also inform and “educate” the citizens about the electronic services provided by the agency (which are constantly expanding) and about the process of closing appointments through the relevant platform.

At the same time, it is provided in every EFKA branch the flow employee placement whose main mission is to help and to direct the insured to the relevant department at each time for the processing of their case and to inform them of the supporting documents required for each service and to assist in checking their completeness. The aim is to put an end to the phenomenon of pointless movements and waiting for various EFKA services within the branch. With the assistance of the flow employee, each insured person will know exactly where to turn, which “translates” into saving time and reducing the suffering of both the insured and EFKA employees.


The recruitment process of reception staff and flow staff at EFKA has already started through the employment program for long-term unemployed 55-67 year olds of the Public Employment Service (DYPA), whose beneficiaries are unemployed people of this age group who have been registered in the DYPA Registers for over 12 months.

At the moment, 62 people are already employed in 27 branches in Athens, Thessaloniki, Patras and Crete, while recruitment procedures are underway – which will be completed by the beginning of March – for another 51 flow and reception employees in 23 branches. The plan envisages the recruitment of a total of 126 people in 55 EFKA branches by March 15. In the next period, the staffing program will continue with reception and flow employees in all structures of the Agency where the need for these services is identified.

The Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Kostis Hatzidakis said: “EFKA, perhaps the most troubled public service to date, is becoming a more citizen-friendly body every day. Not in words, but in action. With electronic appointments that replaced queues. By collaborating with the KEPs. With 1555, which serves the citizens every day. With the Digital Communication Room. With myEFKAlive. And now with the reception and streaming services we do in the half and busiest EFKA branches. It is a service to the citizen in his daily life!”.

The Commander of EFKA, Panagiotis Doufexis stated: “Today we are launching the reception and service service for insured persons at EFKA. In the first phase, we cover 60% of the Agency’s branches with the criterion of the highest population density. A second phase will follow in order to cover 100% of our branches.”