An episode occurred during pre-election gathering of Konstantinos Kyranakis today, Thursday at Zografouin Terzaki Square.

Specifically, during the political event, unknown persons threw chemicals at the crowd watching the candidate’s speech with the ND and then disappeared. Konstantinos Kyranakis asked the people to wait until the atmosphere clears and the event continues.

“We are not afraid of them at all. They dare to play with your health, this is the left”, commented Konstantinos Kyranakis. “Your terrorism will not pass, as it has never passed,” he added

ND’s reaction to the incident

“Unidentified persons attacked with chemicals the pre-election rally of the candidate for the Athens Southern Sector of the New Democracy, Konstantinos Kyranakis, in Zografou. There were families with small children in the area of ​​the speech, while near the event site there is also a playground which was also full of children. We demand unanimous condemnation of the attack from all parties. We are neither frightened nor daunted by their attacks. The Republic is much stronger than the brazen thugs and will give them the answer they deserve on Sunday.”