An attack on the outgoing president of SYRIZA, Alexis Tsipras, was launched by the leader of Freedom of Navigation, Zoe Konstantopoulou, characterizing him as the “instigator of the betrayal of NO” on the occasion of the anniversary of the 2015 referendum.

Among others, Ms. Konstantopoulou states in her post on social media that “The democratic mandate given by the vast majority of citizens has been violated” while once again conveying her intention “to build a different parliamentary model and defend society and democracy. To exercise a real Opposition”.

Ms. Konstantopoulou’s entire post:

Today, 8 years ago, the citizens of this country said a big NO.

NO to the policies that destroyed Greece and undermined our life and future. NO to the imposition of measures that made everyday life unbearable, took away our dignity and abolished the independence of our country.

NO was betrayed. And with the betrayal, the dreams and hopes of so many people, who voted or who didn’t vote but hoped, were thwarted. The democratic mandate given by the vast majority of citizens was violated. But everything remained alive in our hearts. I still remember the joy of that gathering at the Constitution, the joy with which I went to vote, the optimism, my trust in the citizens of our country and the bravery shown by these citizens, in the most difficult circumstances.

Then, from a position of responsibility, I defended with all my strength the people’s NO, I defended our lives, our dignity, democracy. And I left the 3rd State Position of the Speaker of the House to stay true to my principles and continue to fight for the world, together with the world, within society.

Today, 7 years ago, on the day of the first Anniversary of NOI, we filed the Founding Declaration of Freedom of Navigation at the Areopagus. With reference to the democratic principle, popular sovereignty, rights, transparency, justice, equality. Honoring our NO.

All these years I have been defending people, movements, principles and values, against injustice, arbitrariness, indifference. Claiming justice. I insisted that society deserves to be brought back to the fore and democracy must regain its essential content, with citizens at the center.

Today, the Instigator of NO’s betrayal has resigned, defeated. And many of those who overturned and violated the democratic mandate of the people are outside parliament. The fullness of time came, even though they never took responsibility for the harm they did. They belong to the past, and the future is ahead. What would have happened then, if NO had been respected, we will never know. History is not written by assumptions, but by actions.

Today, Freedom Sailing is in Parliament, with the mandate and trust of citizens, to build a different parliamentary model and defend society and democracy. To exercise a real Opposition, with positive content, work and responsibility. To change the world with love, to build our country and take our lives and dreams into our own hands. To write history with our actions. As we deserve. And that’s what we’re going to do. Without ever forgetting the mandate given to us by the citizens and without betraying it.

Tomorrow, in the program statements, we make our parliamentary debut!