By Penelope Galliou

The government is expected to unfold its strategy towards society, as well as its political opponents, in the next period, on the way to the European polls. The everyday life of the citizen and its continuous improvement remain a key objective and at the forefront of the government’s agenda that will prevail during the pre-election period. At the same time, however, because the climate in the political scene is becoming more and more acute, day by day, the Maximos Palace is determined not to leave unanswered any edge and any distortion that will be attempted against it by the opposition parties, just as the same will seek clear answers for the “dark” arises and is related to the action and activity of the other parties. The aim is not to allow populism to overshadow the tangible results of government policy, as government officials emphasize.

A point of reference in the government’s “everyday” agenda is the third, in a row, increase in the minimum wage, which is expected to be approved by the Council of Ministers after March 25 – most likely on March 27 – as its implementation is expected to begin within April. The estimate of government officials is that the minimum wage will be established above 800 euros, “serving” the goal, which has been set by the prime minister for 950 euros at the end of the four years.

What is qualified as the key goal of the second term of government by Megaros Maximos is the increase of incomes and their return to pre-crisis levels, which will reflect that the development of the Greek economy is being returned to citizens and society. The observance of commitments and the effectiveness of government policy will be one of the main stakes of the Eurocalp and on this pattern will be the dilemmas faced by the citizens regarding who wants to represent and claim the demands of our country in Brussels. .

However, the political confrontation is expected to develop largely in the trenches of current affairs, with the parties fighting to win the battle of impressions. In this field the government is determined not to let any shadow cover facts that citizens should know about. As happened with the Asimakopoulou case, for which the Maximos Palace itself quickly identified the problem, pointed out the responsibilities and assigned them, preventing a problematic situation from creeping up and clouding the image of the ND.

However, he demands the same from his political opponents, and for this reason in the next period he will insist on the case of the business activity of the president of SYRIZA, Stefanos Kasselakis, expecting clear and unambiguous answers to all the questions that arise, as they all unfold its aspects.