“The newspaper ‘Proto Thema’ reveals that Mr Stefanos Kasselakiswhile he was elected president of the official opposition party, built an arbitrary and illegal swimming pool at his house in Spetses”, the deputy minister to the prime minister and government representative says in a statement Pavlos Marinakis.

“He is the same man who ignored the provisions of the law (which was enacted by the Tsipras government) that prohibits participation in offshore companies.

He is the political leader who preaches about our Democracy and the institutions from the alleys of Mykonos, while turning a blind eye to the re-registration of journalists and judges by the favorite member of his party, which he is afraid to delete.

He is the president of the party of those irrevocably condemned by the Justice who attack her when they don’t like her decisions.

In short, when the big words about the rule of law sank to the bottom of an illegal pool”, concludes the government spokesman in his statement.