Four threats and 10 steps to secure your new PC


What the experts of the global digital security company ESET point out

A new computer at home or in the office is a good investment, but hackers are on guardfor this cyber security is a vital priority.

Malicious scammers will seek to steal data, encrypt files, then demand a ransom to “unlock” them, extract financial information, secretly “mine” cryptocurrencies, etc. They will do this through tried and tested methods, which often rely on hacking, stealing or obtaining passwords or exploiting software vulnerabilities.

The four main threats to a computer, as reported by the experts of the global digital security company ESET, are:

1. Phishing: One of the oldest forms of fraud. Cybercriminals masquerade as legitimate and trusted sources (banks, tech companies, retail stores, etc.) and try to get users to click on links and/or open attachments in emails. This leads users to a fake web page that asks them to fill in personal information (such as login codes and/or address/financial details) or may cause them to download malware.

2. Drive-by downloads and malicious ads: Sometimes, an innocent visit to an infected website or a website that hosts a malicious ad can lead to downloading malware. Well-known websites may be less exposed this way, as they have better resources and can provide enhanced protection. But there have been many examples showing that this is not always the case. That’s why it’s essential to invest in security software from a reputable vendor and ensure your browser’s security settings are correct.

3. Digital skimming: Hackers can also hack into the payment pages of e-commerce websites and infect them with malware designed to silently collect your card details as you enter them. This is difficult to avoid as the problem is with the provider. However, buying from more reputable websites can reduce your risk.

4. Malicious apps and files: Cybercriminals also hide malware inside apps and file downloads that look legitimate. Many of these are posted on online forums, P2P sites, and other third-party platforms. That’s why it’s a good idea to only ‘download’ files from trusted sources and use an effective anti-malware software tool.

10 tips for your computer security

Many of the steps below may be done automatically by your PC manufacturer or Microsoft in Windows, but make sure all settings are as secure as you need them to be.

1. Download a multi-factor authentication app to help protect your accounts from phishing and other attacks.

2. Avoid using USBs that you don’t own, in case they are loaded with malware.

3. Use a password manager to ensure all your passwords are unique, strong, and hard to crack.

4. Only ‘download’ apps/files from trusted sources and avoid pirated material, which can often be laced with malware.

5. Set up automatic updates for the operating system and any software running on the computer.

6. Remove the bloatware (pre-installed applications) that often come with computers. Check beforehand if you don’t recognize any software to make sure that removing it won’t degrade the computer’s performance. The fewer programs there are on the machine, the fewer opportunities attackers have to exploit bugs in it.

7. Install layered security software from a trusted third-party vendor and keep it up-to-date.

8. Keep backups and ideally copy the data to a remote storage device that is kept offline.

9. Protect your browser by adjusting your privacy and security settings and making sure it’s updated to the latest version.

10. Enable and configure the firewall on the operating system and home router, ensuring that it is protected with a strong password.

Even if you follow these best practices, you may still be at risk when browsing the web. So always be careful, don’t reply to spam emails and online messages and make sure your device encryption is enabled.


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