The Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed this Monday (6) that it received a contact from the Brazilian embassy in Kiev, Ukraine, about André Hack Bahi, 43. The Brazilian, who volunteered to fight in the war in Eastern Europe, had the death cited on social media by a colleague — there is still no official confirmation.
If confirmed, the death will be the first of a Brazilian in the conflict, which last week completed 100 days. Through its advisory, Itamaraty declared that it will have to comment on the case in the next few hours.
Bahi’s death was mentioned on social media by André Kirvaitis, another Brazilian fighting in the country. He published a video in which he talks about the three months the two spent together and thanks his colleague for saving his life in Irpin, a city near Kiev.
“Another anonymous soldier who, like others, gave his life in combat for freedom and peace. I will not let your name be forgotten. Thank you for everything, brother. You are in the real life now. Earth is just a brief passage. close to eternity. You fulfilled your mission with honor,” wrote Kirvaitis.
Bahi’s sister, Tatiane Hack Bahi, said on Facebook that the family has not yet had official confirmation of the death. “[Temos] only news and publications [nas redes sociais. Nós, familiares e amigos, estamos em busca da verdade. Vamos lutar por isso”, escreveu, depois dizendo que ama e está esperando pelo irmão.
Bahi é natural de Porto Alegre e foi criado em Eldorado do Sul, onde reside a maior parte dos seus familiares. Ele tem sete filhos, a mais nova de três anos. Graduado em enfermagem, Bahi serviu ao Exército e recentemente havia se mudado para Fortaleza.
O gaúcho também havia morado em Lisboa e atuado na Legião Estrangeira da França.
Sua última postagem no Facebook foi um distintivo da Legião Internacional de Defesa da Ucrânia, pela qual combatia, em 24 de maio.