Opinion – Latinoamérica21: Lula won, democracy won


Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva will be president for the third time in Brazil. In the second round of the most polarized elections since the return to democracy, Lula won with 50.90% of the votes against Bolsonaro’s 49.10%. Lula’s victory was confirmed by the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) at 7:57 pm, when 98% of the polls had been counted, and was recognized by the United States and several countries.

However, given the characteristics of these elections, his victory represents much more than the political resurrection of Lula or the success of the Workers’ Party (PT). Despite several threats and attempts to impede the electoral process by the government of Jair Bolsonaro, the victory of the largest broad front since the military dictatorship is clearly the victory of democracy over the risk of an authoritarian regression.

The October 30 presidential elections were not equitable and were characterized by the circulation of fake news, high levels of disinformation, political violence and direct threats to democratic continuity. The broad pro-democracy front led by Lula confronted the Brazilian state machine at the service of the current president to buy votes and loyalties. Through the so-called “secret budget”, considering the 2023 budget, the executive will have distributed 80 billion reais beyond what is allowed by the Constitution in exchange for political support.

In a context of violence and high polarization, the most notable episodes of the last week include the shooting and the launch of grenades against members of the Federal Police by Roberto Jefferson, an ally of Bolsonaro under house arrest who was in preventive detention for not complying with precautionary measures, divulging fake news and insulting members of the Federal Supreme Court (STF); the threat and armed persecution in the streets of São Paulo of a Lula supporter by Carla Zambelli, a deputy and Bolsonaro ally; and the unfounded denunciation of the alleged communication favoritism of Lula’s campaign on the country’s radio stations by the Minister of Communications, Fábio Faria.

The most serious event, however, was the attempt to prevent or delay the vote of voters through control operations and illegal roadblocks during the second round. These measures were carried out by the Federal Highway Police (PRF), whose director was appointed by Flávio Bolsonaro and is a supporter of the current president, and especially targeted the Northeast region, where most of Lula’s supporters are concentrated. According to various media, the decision on this illegal operation was taken at the Alvorada Palace itself. The more than 560 control operations carried out across the country have been publicly denounced by international observers and organizations such as Transparency International. They were interrupted only after a summons from Alexandre de Moraes, minister of the STF and president of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE).

Despite attempts to obstruct the smooth running of the elections, the results confirmed the victory of Lula, a trade unionist and historic leader of the Brazilian left who was prevented from participating in the 2018 elections because he was convicted in a partial trial and without sufficient evidence within the scope of the Lava Jato operation. In turn, Jair Bolsonaro, the current president and far-right candidate, is the first president not to be re-elected since the reelection amendment was passed in 1997. In an unprecedented way, 31.8 million Brazilians abstained, that is, , 20.6% of voters entitled to vote, a significant number, but lower than the first round in which abstention reached 20.95%. White and null votes together represented 4.59% of the total.

Brazil is back

In his first official speech, using a conciliatory tone, Lula thanked all the sectors that supported him and the media. He said he will rule for all 215 million Brazilians, as there are not two Brazils, but only one nation. The PT’s historical leader also recognized the need to pacify and rebuild the country, recovering dialogue and social coexistence with all actors. Furthermore, Lula assumed the need to govern respecting the autonomy of institutions and rebuilding the harmonious coexistence between the three powers.

Regarding the announced priorities, the first commitments made were to end hunger, which today affects 33 million Brazilians according to the Penssan Network, reduce poverty and inequality, and resume social programs such as Minha Casa, Minha Vida. Lula also highlighted that Brazil is back and that from now on it is necessary to guarantee the country’s credibility, predictability and stability in order to regain international confidence and attract foreign investment. Along with these objectives, industrialization and the return of Brazilian protagonism in international relations were also established as goals, promoting various reforms and projects of South-South and North-South cooperation.

In contrast to the Bolsonaro administration’s foreign policy, which made Brazil a regional and global pariah, Lula announced the country’s return to the global fight against climate change and inequalities and in favor of fairer trade. Regarding the Amazon, he promised zero deforestation, in contrast to the record levels of deforestation recorded during the current government.

In addition to the announcements and good intentions, the challenges that the Lula-Alckmin government will have to face from January 2023 onwards will be enormous and will require multiple efforts and concessions from everyone. The geopolitical disputes and the complex economic context in which its victory is taking place also predict many difficulties in achieving its goals. However, the triumph of democracy and the possibility of rebuilding a project of peaceful coexistence and social justice for Brazil are good news in themselves.

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