With Greek presences and this year’s British Rich List of the Sunday Times


London, Thanasis Gavos

The Greek presence in Rich List of Sunday Timesthat is, in the list of them richest people in the United Kingdom published annually by the reputable newspaper.

This is his top presence Mustakidis fees of 2.513 billion pounds in 71st placewith a large participation in Glencore raw material giant.

THE Chris RockThe Greek-born head of a large hedge fund is 104th on the list with a fortune of 1.75 billion pounds while George and Konstantinos Logothetis and their families (Libra Group: shipping, real estate, energy, etc.) raise 660 million pounds and are ranked 246th.

Enough for another year presences of Cypriots. In 77th place is the real estate tycoon John Christodoulou, with a fortune of 2.35 billion pounds.

In the 80th is Alkis David and the Leventis family with 2.193 billion pounds, mainly through their interests in Coca Cola HBC, while immediately following the Lazari family in 81st place with 2.125 billion, thanks to its large real estate portfolio.

In 101st place is Sir Stelios Hatziioannou, founder of EasyJet and the Easy group.

Cypriot citizenship has received and Norwegian shipowner John Fredriksen is in 18th place with a fortune of 8.3 billion pounds.

In Top of this year’s Rich List are Sri and Gopi Hinduja. The industrial brothers of Indian origin, also active in in the field of financial services and now in electric vehicles, have a fortune of, 28.472 billion. It is the largest amount ever recorded by the Sunday Times as an individual or family property in the UK.

In second place is the British inventor and businessman Sir James Dyson and his family with 23 23 billion.

The top five is closed by British real estate moguls David and Simon Robben, British-American (born in Odessa) investor and businessman in the field of media and music Sir Leonard Blavatnik and the Swiss man Guillaume Poussos for the company such as Netflix, Pizza Hut and Deliveroo.

Notable is the large reduction in Roman Abramovich’s fortune from, 12.1 billion last year to “just” 6 6 billion (ranked 28th instead of last year’s 8th).

Also, the appears for the first time in the list of the rich of an incumbent politician, the Minister of Finance Risi Sunak. Together with his wife, a descendant of a wealthy Indian family, Mr. Sunak has a fortune of 730 million pounds and occupies the number 222 position.

The’s 250 richest people in the United Kingdom on the Sunday Times list have increased their fortunes by 8% in the last 12 months, to a record 10 710 billion.

Among them are 177 billionaires, also a record number in the 34 years of history of the Rich List of the British newspaper. The 250 on this year’s list have a cumulatively larger fortune than the 1,000 on the 2017 list.

According to the British newspaper, this is happening at a time when British households are facing the biggest squeeze of their disposable income for four decades.

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