Pilots and flight attendants strike suspended after agreement with companies


The aeronauts, a category made up of pilots, copilots and flight attendants, approved this Saturday (27) a proposal for an agreement presented by the TST (Superior Labor Court) and decided to suspend the strike that had started on Monday (29).

According to the SNA (National Aeronauts Union), 53.68% of the crew who voted were in favor of the proposal. In all, 6,956 professionals voted between Friday night and early Saturday afternoon.

Crew compensation is made up of two parts, one fixed and one variable, which depends on the work schedule. The agreement closed on Saturday provides that companies pay 75% of the INPC (National Consumer Price Index) accumulated in the last 12 months on the two parties.

The national daily food and food vouchers will be readjusted by the full INPC accumulated in the last year. The crew claimed the replacement of the inflationary losses of the last two years.

The agreement proposed by the TST also provided for the full renewal of the social clauses provided for in the collective agreement in force.

The strike approved last week predicted that as of Monday half of the aeronauts would not fly. The intention of the category was to make a kind of relay — the half that worked on Monday, would stop on Tuesday, until the demands were met.

In a broadcast carried out after the closing of the vote that approved the agreement, the president of the SNA, Ondino Dutra Cavalheiro Neto, said that the category showed that it was ready and organized to continue mobilized.

The Snea (National Union of Airline Companies) released a note in which it communicates the cancellation of the strike and says that the approved proposal was drawn up at a meeting mediated by the TST on Friday. The base date for the crew is December 1st.

Also in a wage campaign, the National Aeroviários unions (whose acronym is also SNA) and the Aeroviários de Guarulhos (Sindigru) union still maintain the forecast of starting a strike on Tuesday (30).

According to a statement released by Sindrigru, workers rejected the proposal presented by the airlines on November 11, which provided for a 5% increase on November 1st, and a 2% increase on June 1st, 2022.

The national union says it will hold our meeting on Monday (29) to define the next steps for the wage campaign and does not rule out voting on a strike sign.


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