Competition for Aeronautics opens 225 mid-level vacancies


Registration for the Air Force Sergeants Training Course for the second half of 2023 starts at 10 am next Tuesday, July 26th. Interested parties must pass an entrance exam, which begins with written tests to be held on November 6th.

There are 225 vacancies, divided between airmen, in communications (20); non-aircraft, acting in electricity and instruments (20), structure and painting (12), meteorology (20), supply (23), aeronautical information (12), electromechanical (12) or guard and security (10); and air traffic control (96). According to the public notice, 20% of the vacancies by specialty are reserved for black candidates.

The Air Force Sergeants Training Course (CFS) lasts two years and takes place under a military boarding regime, in which members must reside in student accommodation at the Aeronautics Specialist School, in Guaratinguetá (SP).

The student is considered active military and has remuneration, food, accommodation, uniforms and medical, hospital and dental assistance.

Check out the main questions about admission to the course. The full information can be accessed in the instructions document.

Who can participate?

Brazilian citizens, of both sexes, who have completed high school and are between 17 and 25 years old by December 31 of the year of enrollment (2023). Minors under 18 years of age need authorization from a legal guardian.

The applicant cannot be pregnant in the period between the health inspection and the expected date of enrollment. Persons with children or dependents, who are married or who have formed a stable union, as well as those who are not up to date with electoral and military obligations or are responding to criminal proceedings in the Military or Common Courts, cannot participate either.

Other conditions can be checked in item 8.1 of the instructions document.

How to apply?

On the website

What is the application period?

Registration starts at 10 am on July 26th and ends at 3 pm on August 19th, Brasília time.

What is the registration fee?

The fee is BRL 80 and must be paid by 11:59 pm on August 29.

How do I request a fee waiver?

You must apply on the website during the application period.

The candidate must be registered in CadÚnico (single registry of social programs) and inform the NIS (Social Identification Number) or be a bone marrow donor in entities recognized by the Ministry of Health.

The result of the request will be provided on the 23rd of August.

Where will the test take place?

The written tests, the first stage of the admission exam, will be held in Belém (PA), Alcântara and São Luís (MA), Recife (PE), Natal (RN), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Lagoa Santa and Belo Horizonte ( MG), São Paulo (SP), São José dos Campos (SP), Campo Grande (MS), Canoas (RS), Santa Maria (RS), Curitiba (PR), Brasília (DF), Manaus (AM), Porto Velho (RO) and Boa Vista (RR).

The candidate must indicate the place of choice at the time of application.

What are the stages of the selection process?

Initially, there are written tests, which are qualifying and eliminatory. These are multiple-choice questions from Portuguese, English, mathematics and physics subjects.

Candidates may be invited to the successive stages of:

  • Health inspection, aimed at evaluating their psychophysical conditions;
  • psychological aptitude exam, to assess psychological and personality conditions;
  • physical conditioning assessment test, testing individual patterns of resistance and physical vigor;
  • complementary hetero-identification procedure, for black candidates who self-identify as black or brown;
  • document validation, which seeks to prove compliance with the requirements for enrollment.

Contact for other information

Questions can be asked via phone (12) 21317576 or by emails [email protected], for questions about registration, and [email protected], for other requests.

Full information can be accessed in the instructions document.

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