Panel SA: Sector calls for target of solar panels on roofs for presidential candidates


In a letter sent to the presidential candidates, Absolar (the solar energy association) asked the next government to commit to reaching the goal of 5 million solar roofs by 2026, an amount that corresponds to 25 gigawatts of installed capacity.

With the measure, the entity says that the country can attract R$ 124 billion in private investments and collection of R$ 37.6 billion in taxes.

For large plants, the proposal is to develop energy transition measures that neutralize carbon emissions by 2050.

Suggestions include expansion of investments in transmission infrastructure and public tenders for contracting electrical energy, power and capacity reserve with broad participation of renewable sources and energy storage systems.

Absolar defends an industrial policy with tax isonomy between national and imported products, through the exemption of inputs. The entity also asks for the expansion of access to credit to the entire value chain.

Joana Cunha with Fernanda Brigatti, Paulo Ricardo Martins and Gilmara Santos

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