Caixa releases Auxílio Brasil loan this Tuesday, says bank president


The president of Caixa Econômica Federal, Daniella Marques, announced on a social network this Monday (10) that the bank will start offering the Auxílio Brasil payroll loan this Tuesday (11) at branches and lottery outlets.

wanted by SheetCaixa informed that it still did not have a defined date for the release of contracts.

Last Friday (7), the Ministry of Citizenship authorized Caixa and 11 other institutions to make payroll-deductible loans to beneficiaries of Auxílio Brasil and BPC (Benefício de Prestação Continuada) as of this Monday (10). However, until 18:00 this Tuesday (10), none of them was releasing the payroll loan.

See banks and finance companies that are authorized to make the payroll

  • Federal Savings Bank
  • Banco Agibank S/A
  • Banco Crefisa S/A
  • Banco Daycoval S/A
  • Banco Pan S/A
  • Banco Safra S/A
  • Capital Consig Sociedade de Crédito Direto S/A
  • Facta Financeira S/A Credit, Financing and Investment
  • Pintos S/A Credits
  • QI Sociedade de Crédito Direto S/A
  • Value Sociedade de Crédito Direto S/A
  • Zema Credit, Financing and Investment S/A

The loan is limited to 40% of the permanent value of R$400 of Auxílio Brasil. The extra amount of more than R$ 200 scheduled to be paid only until December of this year is not considered. With this, the maximum discount is R$ 160 monthly in up to 24 months. It is therefore possible to hire up to R$ 2,569. The interest rate is up to 3.5% per month, equivalent to 51% per year.

The amounts are deposited by the financial institution in the same account where the benefit payment is made, within two business days after contracting the loan, according to the ministry.


  • The interest rate cannot be higher than 3.5% per month
  • The loan can be made in up to two years, in 24 successive monthly installments.
  • The amount is released within two business days after credit approval
  • The documents required for contracting the loan are an identity card (RG) or CNH (National Driver’s License) and CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas)
  • There can be no grace period for the loan to start being deducted from the benefit
  • Banks and finance companies cannot charge TAC (Credit Opening Fee) and any other administrative fees
  • The family head registered with Auxílio Brasil needs to authorize the loan and the discount on the benefit
  • You will need to authorize the financial institution to have access to personal and banking information
  • Authorization must be in writing or electronically (it will not be accepted over the phone)
  • Banks and finance companies will not be able to call to offer the consignment (any type of active marketing is not allowed)
  • The government cannot be held responsible if the loan is not paid to the bank

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