See all the forgotten money you can recover in 2023


Money forgotten in banks, government debts and PIS (Social Integration Program) and Pasep (Public Servant Equity Formation Program) quotas are among the amounts to be received in the year 2023.

There are billions of reais that can be recovered by millions of Brazilians, who must consult the values ​​in the institutions’ systems.

PIS/Pasep quotas

BRL 24 billion are available in PIS/Pasep quotas for 10 million workers, according to Caixa Econômica Federal. Those who worked with a formal contract in the private sector or in public sector companies, such as civil servants and the military, between 1971 and 1988 and still have not redeemed their quota, are entitled.

It is possible to request the withdrawal through the FGTS application (Fundo de Garantia do Tempo de Serviço) or at a Caixa branch. Beneficiaries of deceased workers can also do so in their FGTS application, accessing “My Withdrawals”, “Other Withdrawal Situations” and then “PIS/Pasep — Worker’s Death”.

The text of the Transition PEC allows funds that have been sitting in PIS/Pasep accounts for at least 20 years to be appropriated by the Treasury, and used to fund investments outside the spending ceiling.

A publication in the Official Gazette of the Union must formalize the use of forgotten resources. Holders or heirs will have a period of 60 days to request the money before the accounts are closed. The interested party may also request reimbursement from the Union within a period of up to five years from the closure of the fund’s accounts.

Precatories of the city and state of São Paulo

In 2023, according to the TJ-SP (São Paulo Court of Justice), the São Paulo City Hall will start paying priority creditors (over 60 years of age, people with serious illness or people with disabilities) of precatories from 2023 and, in chronological order, the food precatories of 2008 will continue.

Messias Falleiros, lawyer and member of the Precatories Commission of the OAB-SP (Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil — São Paulo section), says that while the resources made available to the City of São Paulo are promptly used by the precatories department and passed on to creditor processes , the reality of the state creditor is different.

“Today, the court’s precatories department has about R$ 4 billion standing there, and they are unable to use these resources for the processes. They say that there is a lack of servers and that they need more people to work on the processes”, he explains.

Priority payments for 2022 began in October, after a nine-month delay in completing payments for 2021. “There is no prediction of when this will end. knows that they won’t be able to pay in the established period”, reports Falleiros.

The TJ-SP states that in 2023 the priority creditors for the 2022 financial year will continue to be paid and, subsequently, the priority creditors for the 2023 financial year. and, for 2023, payments of food court orders for 2009 should begin.

You can consult the payment queue on the TJSP website. According to the agency, in the “Creditors” menu, it is possible to consult by name or CPF, know the position in the precatório queue and follow the evolution of payments.

INSS arrears

INSS (National Social Security Institute) arrears can be withdrawn indefinitely, after declaration of unconstitutionality of parts of law 13.463/2017, which canceled precatories and RPVs (Small Value Requests) not withdrawn after two years of deposit.

According to the TRF-3 (Federal Regional Court of the 3rd Region), which serves the states of São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul, the RPVs are being paid monthly, without delay, with immediate release after the deposit in the official banks, Caixa and Banco from Brazil. The precatories were released in August 2022.

To check information about the arrears, it is necessary to inform the CPF or CNPJ on the website of the court where the action was analyzed, checking in the “Situation of the requisition” field if it was fully or partially paid, if it is active and awaiting payment or if it was canceled and returned for necessary corrections.

central bank

In 2022, the Central Bank released the consultation of values ​​stopped in financial institutions, around R$ 8 billion that could be withdrawn by the Values ​​Receivable System. Of this amount, the system still has R$ 4.6 billion that have not been released, the right of 32 million people and 2 million CNPJs.

The second phase of consultations was scheduled for May 2, but was postponed due to the public servants’ strike, which lasted between April and July of this year. There is still no set date for the new release.

Institutions must forward to the Central Bank information about the new values ​​as of January, according to the normative instruction of November 8, 2022.

The information should be made available when the Values ​​Receivable System is reopened, but there is still no set date. Heirs will also be able to consult information about the values ​​of people who died, as well as request their redemption through the system.

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