Bradesco apologizes with agro for video that advocates reducing meat consumption


A video about sustainable consumption that circulated on social networks last week led Bradesco to write an open letter, portraying itself with agribusiness. In the material, an application offered by the bank —which allows customers to calculate their carbon footprint— is associated with a reduction in meat consumption.

It starts with three influencers giving tips on how consumers can take more sustainable actions. “Two simple things you can do in your daily life to reduce your impact,” says one of them.

They then say that the first thing consumers could do is reduce meat consumption, opting for vegetarian dishes once a week — a move that became known as “Meat Free Monday”.

“Cattle raising contributes to the emission of greenhouse gases, so what if we reduce our meat consumption and choose a vegetarian dish on Monday?”

The video goes on to suggest that consumers can also start using composters for household waste and that users calculate the amount of carbon emitted and use the information to think of other ways to offset their emissions.

The video aroused criticism from entities and politicians linked to agribusiness over the past week. In a statement, the Imac (Instituto Mato-Grossense da Carne) criticized the material, saying that Brazilian livestock, in the world context, is the least impacting on carbon production.

“In Brazil, our livestock is carried out in a natural way, using pasture as the main food input (…) and production models use productive pastures for raising cattle contribute positively to the carbon balance, sequestering the emissions of this gas that livestock production emits.”

According to the organization, it is not acceptable to associate full responsibility for the emission of greenhouse gases with livestock and the suggestion to reduce the consumption of beef in Brazil does not make sense.

Through his Twitter profile, federal deputy José Medeiros (Pode-MT) also criticized the play. “Is that right @Bradesco? Didn’t you think about consulting Embrapa or any serious institution to find out if the pasture captures carbon in the atmosphere and offsets the gases from livestock farming?”, he asked.

On the 24th, Bradesco published an open letter to agribusiness, in which it sought to disassociate itself from the content. The bank ordered the removal of the material from its networks, said it supported the sector “fully” and said it would take strict internal administrative actions because of what happened.

“In recent days we have unfortunately seen an inappropriate position of digital influencers in relation to the consumption of beef, associated with our brand. It is important to say that this position does not represent the vision of this house in relation to the consumption of beef”, says the bank’s letter .

Also according to the bank, the institution believes in and promotes “directly and indirectly Brazilian livestock and, consequently, the consumption of beef”. Also according to Bradesco, the material was taken off the air on the 23rd. Contacted by the report, Bradesco’s press office informed that its position is detailed in the open letter to Brazilian agribusiness. See below.​

The following is the full open letter released by the bank:


Throughout its almost 79 years of history, Bradesco has fully supported the Brazilian agribusiness segment, establishing solid and productive partnerships. This option is based on his indelible belief in this segment as a vector of social and economic development in the country.

However, in recent days we have unfortunately seen an inappropriate position of digital influencers in relation to the consumption of beef, associated with our brand.

It is important to say that this position does not represent the view of this house in relation to the consumption of beef.

On the contrary.

Bradesco directly and indirectly believes in and promotes Brazilian cattle raising and, consequently, the consumption of beef.

In light of the incident, measures were immediately taken, including the removal of content from the public environment, and, in addition, strict internal administrative actions.

In this way, we reiterate our regret for what happened and once again reinforce our unrestricted belief in Brazilian livestock.


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