By Chrysostomos Tsoufis

The tax deadline knows no postponements and taxpayers should slowly prepare as the premiere of the start of the tax filing process is approaching which is set for the end of the month. In the next few days, the form of the new tax declaration is also expected to be ready.

As every year, with a little attention to some points, taxpayers can not only avoid the unpleasant surprises of an “inflated” tax return but also reduce the tax they will be asked to pay. Particular attention should be paid to:

Codes 327-328: Those who have income from business activity and submit a tax return for the first year must complete them so that the advance tax payment is reduced by 50%.

Codes 017-018: New entrepreneurs – first 3 years of activity – must complete the specific codes in order to reduce their introductory tax rate for the first €10,000 from 9% to 4.5%.

Codes 027-028 : For those who were born before 31/12/1960 to be automatically exempt from the tax.

Codes 013-014 : Must be filled in by those over 65 to get the 30% discount on subsistence allowances.

Codes 023-024 : Must be completed by those who have reached the age of 70 or are residents of villages with a population of up to 500 inhabitants or islands with less than 3,100 inhabitants. The benefit is the exemption from having to cover 30% of their annual income with receipts.

Codes 307-308 : For taxpayers who are paid with a pad. The benefit of completing is that they earn a tax deduction that can reach:

– up to €777 for the unmarried

– up to €810 for a married person with 1 dependent child

– up to €900 for a married person with 2 dependent children

– up to €1120 for a married person with 3 dependent children

Codes 351-352 : The sums spent on the purchase of insurance time are indicated and reduce the taxable income from salaried work.

Codes 781-782: Here are listed the amounts that are not considered income and are exempt from income tax. Such are considered, among others, income from sales of assets, one-off benefits of insurance funds, income from loans, inheritances, parental benefits or donations, winnings from lotteries and games of chance and special purpose compensations.

Codes 001-002, 005-006 and 009-010: For people with a disability of more than 67% who are entitled to a tax reduction of €200.

A new code will be added to the new tax declaration in which the electronic expenses made in specific professional branches that reduce the taxable income up to €5000 will be pre-filled.

In particular, online expenses for medical services will count double to meet the 30% of individual annual income and avoid the 22% penalty.