In order to modernize the systems for issuing receipts and ensure the accuracy of the data transmitted to AADEwith the A.1073/2023 decision of the Governor of the AADE, the obligation to withdraw from the use and the definitive cessation of the EAFDSS (Special Secure Tax Provisions for Marking Items) for all businesses and the cessation of the use of simple Tax Electronic Mechanisms (EFT) is defined for catering establishments operating with table service.

More specifically:

• Until 31.10.2023, all companies that issue their accounting data using EAFDSS shall cease their use and are obliged to submit a declaration of their definitive cessation.

• Until 30.06.2024, especially catering businesses that operate with table service and issue receipts with the use of simple FIMs, stop using them and are obliged to replace them with one of the special tax mechanisms provided for in the above decision.

Alternatively, they can choose to issue receipts through an electronic invoicing provider, following the imminent determination of relevant special operating specifications by joint decision of the Deputy Minister of Finance and the Governor of AADE.