These are the four most cynical signs


They have the ability to laugh at anything and go straight to the attack without asking questions

Cynicism is often associated with malice and hatred. Cynical people seem to lack emotion, warmth or empathy.

They have the ability to laugh at anything and go straight to the attack without asking questions. Sometimes without realizing it, sometimes out of sheer embarrassment.

However, in some cases, cynicism is used to better conceal a specific sensitivity that these individuals view as a weakness.

Here we present the 4 most cynical signs of the zodiac. Did you have any doubts about who would be first on the list?


Scorpio is one of the most cynical signs of the zodiac. One of its defining characteristics is its natural distrust of people. Ruled by Pluto, the planet of secrets and taboos, this makes him strongly aware of the darker side of life, as well as smart enough to maintain control at all times.

This fixed water sign has very strong emotions, but he wants to keep them to himself.


Capricorns are so practical in all aspects of life that they sometimes feel frustrated and melancholy about everything. On an emotional level, Capricorns are sensitive or even weak beings who are afraid of being disappointed and suddenly abandoned. They will then develop a certain level of creativity to protect themselves from possible frustrations, such as those they may have experienced in the past.


Sagittarius’ glamorous and friendly appearance hides a cynicism. If you have the misfortune to bother him, he will not hesitate to reciprocate. Sagittarius will attack you discreetly and will want to disagree with you only to upset you, even if he knows he is wrong.


Aquarius is a dreamer but finds it difficult to dream big for a better tomorrow. He usually struggles to live and enjoy the present. It can also quickly become frustrating when current structures and systems do not work for the well-being of society and the enormous amount of problems that need to be solved. These issues always make him react a little more cynically than others can handle.

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