Farm 13: Erasmus is on the farm; Rico, Solange and Marina compete in the Farmer’s Taste


Rico, Solange, Erasmo and Marina were the indicated pawns to compete in the seventh field of this season at Fazenda 13 (Record), this Tuesday night (2). The house’s most voted pawn sat on the stool and pulled one of the stall’s residents into the hot seat. The fourth was indicated by the dynamics of the remaining one.

Farmer Sthe pointed Rico straight to the garden. She said the pawn disappointed her and that he has a low game of destabilizing people, is rude and rude. “Outside I’m very affectionate with my friends and here it’s no different with Dynho, Bil and Mileide”.

Rico said he was hoping to be nominated by the farmer due to the argument they had at the Game of Discord. “She’s Bil and Dynho’s shadow,” said the pawn, who was interrupted by Sthe. “I can speak shadow [Sthe]? She doesn’t have the moral to talk about me, nor does she have a life here,” said Rico.

Before the pawns started voting, Adriane Galisteu asked Erasmo to open the power of the red flame, which Tiago Piquilo won. He had to exchange the pawns that were in the stall – Dayane, Mileide, Dynho and Solange – for others from the headquarters. Erasmo put himself in the stall and chose Gui Araujo, Marina and Bil.

Solange and Dynho tied with five votes. Farmer Sthe broke the tie and placed Solange in the garden. “Obviously I’m not going to put my friend on the farm,” said the farmer.

Solange had the power to pull a pawn into the field and chose Erasmus. “If he hadn’t voted for me, I wouldn’t be in the field,” said the girl. Erasmus said that he knew this moment would come.

Before there was one left, Galisteus asked James to open the flame of yellow power, which allowed him to save three people. Tiago saved him and the pieces Valentina and Aline.

The fourth wave was decided in the remaining one and Marina was left in the dynamics, going to the farm. She had to veto a pawn in the Farmer’s Trial and chose Erasmus.

See who voted for whom:

MC Gui voted for Sol

Aline voted for Dynho

Bil votou na Dayane

Solange voted for Dynho

Dayane voted for Dynho

Dynho voted for Sol

Erasmus voted for Sol

Valentina voted for Dynho

Mileid voted for Sol

Gui Araújo voted for Sol

James voted for Mileide

Marina voted for Dayane

Rico voted for Dynho

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