Natalia Deodato has a protective measure against an ex-boyfriend. The BBB22 participant revealed that she went through an abusive relationship just before entering the Globo reality show and was almost another victim of femicide in Brazil. “During a fight, he hanged me. I remember that I fainted and when I woke up it was that feeling: ‘God gave me a chance'”, assumed Natália.
The former BBB, 23, admitted that she was scared by the attack of the man she met in a phase, which she defines as “crazy”. “I got divorced and I was crazy about life. I met a person who was a psychopath and the episode was very heavy. There I woke up to life”, acknowledged Natália, who soon after the violence decided to live in São Paulo.
She also said that she was very grateful for her participation in the last edition of Big Brother Brazil. She had no regrets or regrets. Natália confessed that she tried to enter the most watched house in the country in 2019. “I was very sad when I signed up and did not pass BBB19. I believe that I entered reality at the right time. I am no longer the Natália who signed up in 2018 because I evolved a lot in these four years. I gave my best”, she evaluated during an interview with the Vacacast podcast.
I am currently a news writer for News Bulletin247 where I mostly cover sports news. I have always been interested in writing and it is something I am very passionate about. In my spare time, I enjoy reading and spending time with my family and friends.