Eliezer on Viih Tube pregnancy: ‘It was her dream and now mine too’


Former BBB Eliezer, 32, saw his life turn upside down with the pregnancy of the influencer and also ex-BBB Viih Tube, 22. With some projects in mind to try to prolong the fame acquired during the Globo reality show, he says that, at the moment, nothing is as important as being present during the girlfriend’s pregnancy.

“My priority is pregnancy, pregnancy, and being on Viih’s side. [Ter um filho] was her life’s dream and it became mine too”, he adds in a conversation with the F5while buying clothes for Lua’s trousseau – which has more than 1 million followers even before it was born.

As for the sex of the baby, he says that at first he preferred a boy. “Not that I didn’t want a girl, but I’m going to be very jealous with my daughter. She will be born with a signed contract with me only to be able to date in 2050”, he completes, in a joking tone.

Eli says that he had been developing two program format projects with Viih Tube: one focused on travel (“in a half-mission feel”) and a cooking competition. Without giving too many details, the former BBB says that the first will be for the future, because of the pregnancy, and the second will happen soon.

Between his participation in the BBB, dating a former participant of another edition and now her pregnancy, the boy confesses that looking at the past brings the feeling of having lived in months the equivalent of years. “I’m a big believer in God, and I think this is all about purpose. The purpose of my life is very clear with all this change.”

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