After saving her 4-year-old sister, Bridger Walker, 7, she went viral on social media. The scare occurred on July 9, 2020 and the boy needed more than 90 stitches in the face, after being bitten by a German shepherd, in the state of Wyoming, in the United States.
A fan of superheroes, the boy was praised by many celebrities, including Tom Holland, Hugh Jackman, Zachary Levi, Chris Evans and Mark Ruffalo. Bridger’s father Robert said that at the time, Tom Holland promised that the child could visit the set of the next Spider-Man movie. And the promise, in fact, was fulfilled this year, during the recording of “Spider-Man: Sem Volta para Casa”.
“I was a little apprehensive that when the ‘curtains were drawn’ the movie magic would be lost to the kids, but the opposite happened! The entire crew and cast made our kids feel like stars,” Robert wrote in your Instagram profile.
“The expressions of the children when we went to see Tom, who was in the hero’s costume, standing on a street lamp on set, was priceless. It was very touching to see him wave to the children as if he was the one who should have been excited about the see them—and not the other way around,” he continued.
He also says that Zendaya was very kind to his daughter and, as soon as he approached the family, he was already praising the child’s nails. “I don’t know if she will know how much that simple act meant to me — to see my sweet daughter cheerful and with good self-esteem.”
The children spent the day on the film set and saw how the hero’s stunts were performed. Bridger also had the opportunity to hitch a ride with Spider-Man, both dangling from steel cables across the stage.
I am currently a news writer for News Bulletin247 where I mostly cover sports news. I have always been interested in writing and it is something I am very passionate about. In my spare time, I enjoy reading and spending time with my family and friends.