Images from Greece, the Balkans and Europe, from the 50s, 60s and 70s, as captured with his camera by one of the greatest Greek post-war photographers, Takis Tloupas of Larisa, will come to life at the 25 Thessaloniki Documentary Festival.


Kalliopi Legaki’s documentary “My Dad’s Photo Studio”, which premieres nationwide on March 6, will show the unpublished material for the first time.

People of the Thessalian plain, appear during their work, in moments of their daily life, in ceremonies, customs and traditions, while at the same time, regions and landscapes of the time, cause nostalgia and emotion.



But as the great Greek photographer used to take his camera with him on his travels, apart from Thessaly, he has recorded interesting views of other Greek cities, as well as Balkan and European countries.


The film “My Dad’s Photo Studio” is essentially a conversation between the daughter and the father, who does not exist, but “narrates” through his films and revelatory photographs, things concerning a world lost in the “dust next year”.


Women’s Thymonies

The film “My Dad’s Photo Studio” will be screened on Monday, March 6, at 6:30 p.m., in the John Cassavetes Hall (Warehouse 1, Port), while from 10 a.m. the next day until the end of the Festival (or exhaustion of 500 viewings) will be available on the Festival’s online platform.