Alcione fans use songs to criticize her photo with Cláudio Castro


Cristina Camargo

Alcione’s followers on social networks used song lyrics interpreted by the sambista as a reaction to a photo published by the artist on Wednesday (29).

In the image, she appears hugging the governor of Rio de Janeiro, Cláudio Castro (PL), whom she congratulates on his birthday.

“Today is the birthday of Governor Cláudio Castro, to whom I leave my strong and warm embrace! Best wishes today and always!”, wrote the singer.

Many fans didn’t like it. “My strange madness is trying to excuse what has no excuse”, replied one of them, quoting the song “Estranha Loucura”, one of Alcione’s greatest hits.

“You turn my head. It takes me out of my mind. It destroys the plans that I once made for myself. It makes me wonder why life is like that”, reacted another follower, using lyrics from yet another hit.

A follower sought in the verses of “Sufoco” the way to respond, with elegance, to the photo of Alcione with the politician. “I can no longer feed this love so crazy, I suffocate,” she wrote.

“Garoto Maroto” also entered the repertoire of those who didn’t like the connection between the sambista and the governor. “Naughty boy, mischievous in the way of loving”, one of them reacted, with humor, to the embrace of the two.

And there were also those who were more direct. “Apaga, Marrom”, asked some of the sambista’s admirers. “Everybody makes mistakes,” said another, in a more understandable comment.

Last year, Alcione was one of the artists invited to perform at the governor’s 43rd birthday, at the Jockey Club in Rio. The 2022 party also featured Belo and Mumuzinho.

The sambista will be the theme of Mangueira’s plot at Carnival 2024. According to the samba school, the plot was a dream of President Guanayra Firmino ten years ago.

The plot will be launched on April 28, on Mangueira’s 95th anniversary.

Source: Folha

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