The police operation, outside his hideout Billy (K. Moutaftsis) continues. THE Thanasis (A. Kontopoulos) doesn’t convince Billy to trade her Razan (E. Pieridou) with the ransom because he also requires a helicopter to escape.

And while the Daisy (Th. Vostanzoglou) at the point, o Thanasis he doesn’t do her the favor of covering the rescue and kicks her out.

The island is now in turmoil, the issue is in the news. Daisy, Angel (B. Athanasopoulos), Rafael (A. Giannakos) and Alice (M. Marnelis) are worried, so is Fatima (E. Sofroniadou), n Fuzzy (R. Savis) and o Theodore (K. Zografopoulos).


In the tavern, Chrysanthi (A. Alexopoulou) bursts into Billy’s friends. Meanwhile, Thanasis convinces Billy to let him inside the hideout. There, he asks him to release Razan and let Stratis (G. Papageorgiou) take her place. Will Billy agree to let Razan go free?


As the helicopter approaches, all the officers are on standby. Billy prepares to make out with his hostage. The most critical moment has arrived.


Watch the excerpt:
