Social phobia and agoraphobia: What are the differences?


Do you describe yourself as a shy person? Do you avoid socializing with a lot of people and quickly feel stressed and stressed? Do you feel more comfortable at home with few or no people? Are you afraid that if you stay in line for a long time for the bank something bad will happen to you?

You do not have to worry about this attitude and that it is something you will carry for a lifetime. Although the descriptions social phobia and agoraphobia are more useful for professionals, let’s see more what you need to know in order to seek support if you wish.

Psychologist / Psychotherapist Lila Tzineri helps us to understand a little better what is both social phobia and agoraphobia and what are their differences.

An important point is that in any situation, what is usually advocated by professionals is that a behavior or symptom needs to be investigated and supported, in case it hurts and becomes a significant obstacle in the daily life of the individual.

So let’s see more detailed information about the two situations:

Social phobia is a stressful situation and is more than just embarrassing.

In social phobia there is a constant worry and fear lest one be embarrassed by others, offend other people, or rejected, etc. The person with social phobia thinks intensely and is anxious both before, during, and after a social meeting. . Also, the person is afraid and tries at all costs to avoid the control or attention of other people.

Some common conditions that may be associated with social phobia are:

1. The intense worry about social situations that occur in everyday life, such as telephone conversations, work, having to talk to someone or even going shopping.

2. Avoiding social gatherings for food and an outing.

3. The difficulty of performing an act in the presence of other people who see it.

4. The intense fear and anxiety that the person will engage in behavior that will be characterized as shameful or humiliating by other people.

5. Low self-esteem, fear of being criticized and anxiety that this situation may be something serious.

Agoraphobia, on the other hand, is a stressful situation in which the person avoids or endures with great fear situations in which he feels that he can not escape.

Also, the person may feel that in these situations he will have various symptoms (such as panic attacks), which he will not be able to control or will become resilient. Such cases can be a mall, theater or cinema, waiting in a queue, traveling by car or train, being alone, the elevator, etc.

When the person comes in contact with the above circumstances may present various symptoms such as tachycardia, difficulty breathing, dizziness, headache, etc.

Also, in many cases, agoraphobia is associated with panic attacks.

It is worth noting that agoraphobia is often associated with the fact that a person’s anxiety about a particular stressful situation is not commensurate with the actual risk.

Even if you or someone close to you has one of the above symptoms, it does not necessarily mean that you have a disorder, or even if you do, it does not mean that you are unable or unwilling to live your life as you wish.

The causes of both stressful situations are complex and vary. As mentioned above, if the symptoms are chronic and stand in the way of the individual’s daily routine and functionality, then it may be a good idea to explore the option of specialist support. The specialist, with the consent of the person, will receive the necessary information and will use it for the benefit of the person who is in this unpleasant situation.

Everyone can find ways to manage a situation effectively and enjoy their life and relationships. As long as he thinks he deserves it.


Kessler, et al. The epidemiology of panic attacks, panic disorder, and agoraphobia in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication.

Stein, et al. Social anxiety disorder.

Losada, Clinical Handbook of Psychological Disorders.

We warmly thank the Psychologist / Psychotherapist Lila Tzineri for her help.

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