Farm 13: Tiago is on the farm; Day, Sthe and Gui Araujo compete in the Farmer’s Test


dayane, Sthe Matos, Tiago and Gui Araujo were the nominees to compete in the sixth field of this season at Fazenda 13 (Record), this Tuesday night (9). The house’s most voted pawn sat on the stool and pulled one of the stall’s residents into the hot seat. The fourth was indicated by the dynamics of the remaining one.

Farmer Marina pointed Dayane straight to the garden. She said that the artist usually has a speech in defense of women, but speaks ill of other people.

Dayane said he was already waiting for the vote of the farmer Marina and emphasized that she is “not made for everyone”. The peon also stated that Marina always voted for the same person so as not to upset anyone and continue in the game.

Rico strategically used the Power of the Lamp. He chose the yellow flame and gave the red one to Aline. With that, he immunized himself and Mileide, forcing his group to vote for Sthe. Angrily, Dayane wouldn’t look Rico in the face during the vote and called him a fake. “[Dayane] you speak ill of everyone, you have no morals to speak of falsehood,” said Rico.

Sthe received six votes and occupied second place in the field. She can pull a pawn from the stall and chose James. The fourth indication depended on the power of the red flame, which gave two options: the owner to win R$5,000 and let the remaining one follow, or keep R$10,000 and indicate the fourth pawn.

Aline preferred to keep R$5,000 and keep the remaining one. Rico was annoyed and said that she was “soaping” because the group argued all week about recommending Gui Araújo and Dynho to the farm. The two argued and Rico said he regretted giving power to Aline and asked her to commit to the game. “Afraid to compromise,” Rico said.

In the remaining one, Gui Araújo was left over and occupied fourth place in the field. He had to veto a pawn in the Farmer’s Trial and chose James. He justified the choice by saying that Tiago “does very well in exams”.

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