Isabelle, Juninho, Lucas Luigi went to the BBB 24 wall this Sunday (28). The four compete for the public’s preference to stay in the house, vote for your favorite participant in the poll.
How was the voting
According to the dynamics of the week, Luigi, Giovanna Pitel and Juninho started on the wall after Marcus put the trio in the spotlight due to the power gained in the big phone. In addition to the indication, the flight attendant was immune.
The angel Fernanda immunized Rodriguinho. Leader MC Bin Laden sent Isabelle straight to the hot seat without the chance to play the fight.
The most voted in the house was Davi, with nine votes. The trio surrounded by the big phone came to a consensus and pulled Alane to the wall.
Luigi, Pitel, Juninho, Davi and Alane competed in the round trip. Davi and Pitel were saved by a game of luck.
See who voted for who
Fernanda immunized Rodriguinho;
MC Bin Laden sent Isabelle straight to the wall.
In the confessional, the brothers positioned themselves like this:
Alane voted for Giovanna Lima;
Beatriz voted for Giovanna Lima;
David voted for Lucas Henrique;
Deniziane voted for Giovanna Lima;
Fernanda voted for Alane;
Giovanna Lima voted for Alane;
Isabelle voted for Lucas Henrique;
Juninho voted for Davi;
Leidy voted for Davi;
Lucas Henrique voted for David;
Luigi voted for David;
Marcus voted for David;
Matteus voted for Giovanna Lima;
Michel voted for Alane;
Pitel voted for David;
Raquel voted for Alane;
Rodriguinho voted for Davi;
Wanessa Camargo voted for Davi;
Yasmin Brunet voted for Davi.
Source: Folha
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