Laís Caldas, 30, arrived shy, but soon entered the game. She played, fought, fell in love, created strategies, made alliances and watched her friends leave, one by one, from Big Brother Brasil 22 (Globo). With all the dynamics, little was noticed about the difficult moment that the doctor was going through before being confined to the reality show.
“She came in emotionally damaged”, says the sister of the sister, Nara Gabriela Rodrigues Caldas, 36, when remembering the death of her father, which took place last December. “Grief is daily and we are going through the worst pain of our lives. But we are proud of Laís, as we always were”.
Seu Augusto was always the biggest inspiration for his daughter Laís. It was because of him that she decided to study medicine. The professional was one of the first doctors to arrive in Crixás, a city in Goiás where Laís and Nara were born and which has about 17,000 inhabitants.
“He was an excellent professional and a big daddy passionate about his daughters and life. Always very protective, just like our mother [Cleusânia], a warrior woman, loving and of great faith. We were brought up with our feet on the ground and our home has always been full of love, respect and empathy for others”, says the sister.
Laís, who graduated from a college in João Pessoa (PB), learned a lot from her father about the work of a general practitioner, being prepared to resolve anything from a simple fracture to labor. Vain, however, the sister decided to dedicate herself to the area of dermatology.
But that hasn’t stopped her from working on the front lines during the pandemic, says her sister. She served at her own father’s hospital, located next to her family’s land. A staircase gives access from the house to the hospital, which helped Laís a lot during the night shifts.
“Most of the people in our city and region have already been assisted by Laís and they are very grateful for the professional and loving person that she is”, says Nara, who says that her sister always knew how to recognize her privilege and gives great value to everything she have.
“Laís has always been very cheerful, contagious, intelligent and fun since she was a child. She always liked to study, make friends and welcome everyone. She never gave my parents any trouble. Laís is our little train of joy”, melts Nara .
But what would be Laís’ plans for the BRL 1.5 million award from the BBB 22, her sister says that part of it should be used to help abandoned animals, if the doctor wins the reality show. In addition to continuing to invest in her profession and start her own family, says Nara.
“Dreams, she has many! Dreaming is living and she does that very well. Being famous will be a consequence of the path she chose. After all, who nowadays who follows the BBB 22 will forget the woman that is Laís? (laughs) )”, jokes the sister.
Laís is making her debut on the BBB 22’s Paredão this week, disputing the public’s preference with Eliezer and Douglas, and has been worried after some clashes with Arthur Aguiar. Nara, Laís’ sister, is cheering for her sister and says that the family already sees her as a champion for having entered the program.
“Unfortunately, many confuse real life with gambling. From the first week, favoritism is already noticeable. Gossip profiles collaborate a lot with this too and there is a herd effect. Being against the ‘bun’ is to be out of the house” , she says in reference to Arthur, who has already been criticized by his wife, Maíra Cardi, for eating bread in the house.
“I and so many other people, honestly, don’t understand why the participants can’t play against him inside the house that are canceled out here”, she amends, who says she sees her sister with her nerves on edge with the confrontation situations at home. “These things are not part of Laís’s routine out here. She is our love, our big baby, our girl/woman. Those who live together, fall in love”.
Currently, Laís has more than 1.2 million followers on social networks. Most are fans of the doctor, but there are always bad comments from people who use this space to offend or criticize. But according to her family, that’s not a concern.
“The world’s problem is the lack of freedom of expression, of being what you want to be. Nowadays, everything is a reason for this cancellation. People are losing the notion of empathy. Laís has a giant heart and the most importantly, she has God by her side. She is strong and will receive love from family, friends and thousands of fans that she conquered with her Lala way of being”, concludes Nara.
I am currently a news writer for News Bulletin247 where I mostly cover sports news. I have always been interested in writing and it is something I am very passionate about. In my spare time, I enjoy reading and spending time with my family and friends.