Comedian Maurício Meirelles, 38, announced this Saturday (9) that he, his wife Emily Borges and their son Gabriel were victims of an armed robbery on Friday night (8).
“We were in the car, a hell of a traffic, Friday night, the car doesn’t go forward, or backward, or to the side. Your car is stopped, and then anyone who wants to comes next door, hits the fucking your glass […] shows the gun and you’re extremely naked, practically nothing to do. Be very attentive when you are in traffic,” he explained in a video posted on Instagram Stories.
“We were robbed at gunpoint. They put a gun here, to my head. Gabriel absorbed everything, but the advantage is that he has already played GTA [jogo de tiros], so for him it was pretty easy. I talked to him, jokes aside, it’s okay. He did not understand. It could have been a tragedy,” he commented.
He claimed that the robber stole his cell phone, the chain he wore around his neck and the rings he and his wife were wearing at the time, totaling almost R$10,000 in losses.
“I was very agile, I was very polite to the guy, you can’t yell at that time. I didn’t react, the guy was very crazy. We delivered the things he asked for,” he added, saying that his wife’s cell phone and wallet were not stolen. because the dog, Uber, was on her lap barking.
His biggest concern, however, was for his son: “The first thing I did [depois do assalto] went to take Gabriel for an ice cream, because I think an ice cream takes away any trauma. […] Today when he woke up the first thing I asked was: ‘what’s up, Gabriel, what do you remember about yesterday?’ And he said: ‘the ice cream’. Done, it’s over”.
Despite the robbery, Meirelles said that all family members are fine and that he managed to recover some of the contents lost with the cell phone theft.
I am currently a news writer for News Bulletin247 where I mostly cover sports news. I have always been interested in writing and it is something I am very passionate about. In my spare time, I enjoy reading and spending time with my family and friends.