Aesthetic phlebology: treatment of varicose veins & varicose veins


Venous insufficiency is an extremely common condition. Almost 50% of women and 25% of men suffer from some degree of venous insufficiency of the lower extremities.

Many of these patients, mainly women, are looking for a solution to their problem because it bothers them aesthetically:
• swollen veins in the legs (varicose veins)
• varicose veins, dilated blue or red small blood vessels in the skin (usually in the lower extremities but also in other parts of the body and the face)
• unsightly veins on the chest
• unsightly veins around the eyes (periocular veins)

The persistent search for a better aesthetic result combined with the new techniques and technologies that have been developed in recent years gave birth to aesthetic phlebology. Aesthetic phlebology is a specialized branch of phlebology, where functional and cosmetic venous treatments are combined.

The purpose of aesthetic phlebology is:
• The personalized treatment of the patient
• The solution of the functional problem when it exists, painlessly and without incisions
• The significant improvement of the aesthetic problem

The various diagnostic and therapeutic methods combined are:
specialized lower extremity vein triplex: screening test to confirm diagnosis and guide treatment. It combines the ultrasound that allows the morphological study and the doppler that performs the hemodynamic study of the venous network.
mapping with triplex and transillumination: is necessary in case of surgery. A detailed imaging with a dermograph is done of all the pathological veins to avoid any recurrences.
Intravenous Laser, therapeutic glue, radio frequency (RF): applied in case of insufficiency of the greater or lesser saphenous vein. These treatments are minimally invasive, are performed with local anesthesia and do not require hospitalization for more than a few hours.
Microphlebectomies with filtration (tumescence, ASVAL): Treatment with an excellent aesthetic result, as it eliminates varicose veins without visible incisions or scars. It is performed with special local anesthesia (tumescent anesthesia). No incisions are made but very small holes with a needle from which the varicose veins are removed.
Microsclerotherapy, laser, foam therapy: Microsclerotherapy is recommended for varicose veins, arachnoid complexes and small varicose veins and is performed in the office without anesthesia. It is performed by injecting a special hardening liquid in combination with a modern technique, transillumination. Treatment with the sophisticated Nd: YAG Laser system, 1064 nm combined with microsclerotherapy are a safe and very effective way of treating varicose veins in the legs. For the face, laser treatment has excellent results with the immediate elimination of spider veins.

Written by:
Paraskevas Nikolaos, Vascular surgeon
Director of 2nd Vascular Surgery Clinic HYGEIA

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