What are whole grains, anyway?


If you were asked to explain the difference between terms like whole grains, multigrains and whole wheat, would you be able to? If not, you’re not the only one.

A study published Nov. 30 in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that between 2003 and 2018, adults in the United States consumed more whole grains than ever before. But exactly how much more they consumed was difficult to determine, the researchers reported, because the definition of a whole food is murky.

Various institutions, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Heart Association, and industry groups such as the Whole Grains Council, have different criteria for qualifying foods, the researchers reported. And that lack of a standard definition, along with confusing labeling on packages, makes it difficult for people to gauge their consumption accurately, said Mengxi Du, a registered dietitian and Ph.D. candidate. in nutritional epidemiology at Tufts University and lead author of the study.

One thing the researchers did make clear, though, was that despite the increase in whole grain consumption — which ranged from 40 to 62 percent, depending on the definition used by the researchers — most adults were still not getting enough of what they needed to eat. your diets.

What are whole grains and why do we need them?

A grain is considered “whole” when it contains all three parts of the original grain: bran, endosperm and germ. The bran is the fiber-filled outer layer of a grain’s seed, which is full of B vitamins and minerals. The endosperm is a middle layer of starchy carbohydrates with some protein and vitamins. And the germ is a core packed with nutrients, with vitamins, healthy fats and other beneficial substances.

Barley, brown rice, millet, oats, wheat, rye, millet, and spelt or red wheat are common whole grains. (Quinoa and buckwheat are technically seeds, but are often classified as whole grains in diets.)

Whole wheat — including whole wheat flour — counts as a whole grain because it contains all three components, said Joanne Slavin, professor of food science and nutrition at the University of Minnesota. White flour doesn’t count, she said, because it’s ground to remove the bran and wheat germ.

Whatever the source, it’s important to include whole grains in your diet because “they tend to be really high in nutrients and fiber,” said Maya Feller, a registered dietitian based in New York. Fiber-rich diets have been linked to a range of health benefits, including regulated cholesterol and blood sugar levels and better digestion, she said. “Depending on the type of grain you consume, it can be a fantastic source of B vitamins,” she added, as well as essential amino acids like methionine and phenylalanine.

How much food made from whole grains do you need?

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, at least half of the total grains you consume each day — which means at least three servings, experts say — should be 100% whole grains. A slice of wholegrain bread, half a cup of cooked oatmeal, and three cups of popped popcorn, in combination, would satisfy the daily requirement.

The new study, which analyzed survey data from nearly 40,000 adults, found that most people consumed 25% to 40% of the recommended daily amounts.

Keeping track of whole grain consumption can be confusing, Du said, because foods labeled “whole grain” don’t have to be 100% whole. They also don’t have to disclose how many whole grains they provide per serving.

The same goes for the term “whole wheat,” said Jennifer Pomeranz, an assistant professor of public health policy and management at New York University who co-authored the new paper — you can be sure that such a product contains at least a little of whole wheat, but not how much. And the term “multigrain” just means that a food was made with two or more types of grains, but not necessarily whole grains.

Unfortunately, said Dr Pomeranz, “the front of a food package is basically a marketing tool.” Anyone can include the words “whole grain” on their food packaging, without the food having to adhere to strict standards. Even foods with negligible amounts of whole grains can still carry this label, she said.

An exception is a product with the Whole Grains Seal issued by the Whole Grains Council. A serving of any food with the seal will contain at least eight grams (or half a serving) of whole grains. If the product’s packaging bears the “100%” seal, all of its grain ingredients are guaranteed to be whole grains and must contain at least 16 grams (or one serving) of whole grains per serving of the food.

How to get more whole grains into your diet

Even if you’re knowledgeable about the subject, Dr. Pomeranz said, it’s a challenge to know if you’re meeting your daily needs because there aren’t strict regulations about how these foods are labeled.

When in doubt, buy the pure grain

The easiest way to “be 100% sure what you’re eating is whole grain,” Pomeranz said, is to buy something that has whole grains as the only ingredient, like a bag of oatmeal or brown rice.

Prioritize fiber-rich foods

When comparing foods with a “whole grain” label, always choose those with the highest amounts of fiber, said Dr. Slavin. A high fiber count is a good sign that the food contains a good amount of whole grains, added Du.

Pay attention to the order of ingredients.

For multi-ingredient foods, look for whole grains at the top of the ingredients list. If the first few ingredients contain words like “100% whole grain,” “whole wheat flour” or “100% whole wheat flour,” that’s a good sign you’re choosing a healthier option, Du said.

If the food contains mostly refined grains (which don’t count as whole grains), such as white flour or cornmeal, Dr. Slavin said, it doesn’t mean it’s automatically unhealthy. If the grains are enriched or fortified with certain vitamins and minerals, they can still improve your overall nutrition. But keep in mind that refined grains lack fiber, she added.

Start slow and mix things up

To include more whole grains in your diet, you don’t have to completely overhaul your eating patterns all at once, Feller said. “I like to encourage people to think about the little things that can add up.” That might mean including a whole-grain side dish with dinner or mixing oatmeal into your morning shake.

If you’re not used to eating whole grains, start with the easy ones, like oatmeal or corn, Feller said. If certain grains don’t fit into your food culture, that’s okay, she added. Find what works for you.

If you start to get bored with the grains on your plate, mix things up, Feller said. If you’re tired of brown rice, try wild rice — or swap out whole-wheat bread for whole-grain rye bread. Variation can keep things interesting and make you more likely to hit your daily whole grain goals.

“As long as we’re thinking about health when we do our grocery shopping,” and with small adjustments over time, these changes will accumulate, Du said.

Translated by Luiz Roberto M. Gonçalves

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