They need more than a small plastic bag (Image: Getty Images)

At the fair, I saw a goldfish dressed in a small plastic bag ready to be handed out as a prize to the excited Fairgore and his children.

But no matter how common this practice is, we must stop it.

You may look at fish and think they want too much, but they are very elusive creatures.

Like other pets, they have many needs, and these needs cannot be met by moving a small bag of water.

Since 2015, the RSPCA has run 147 calls for prizes for goldfish and other aquatic animals. These phones have been relatively few since the pandemic began in the last two years.

In Scotland it is an offense to give an animal as a prize to anyone, regardless of age, in almost all situations.

Now, with lockdown in the aftermath, the charities are concerned that the practice of offering goldfish prizes will make a significant comeback when amusement parks and festivals reopen, and will follow local governments to take action.

Local governments in England and Wales that have implemented or are taking action:

  • Waverly Autonomous Region Council
  • South Kesteven District Council
  • Greater London Assembly
  • Rochford District Council
  • Baan Staple Town Hall
  • Bristol City Council
  • Shropshire Council
  • Parliament of the Autonomous Region of Stevenage
  • rugby district council
  • North Hertfordshire District Council
  • Toridge District Council
  • Bolsorber Council
  • East Lindsey District Council
  • Swindon District Council
  • Wakefield Council
  • Enfield Autonomous Region Assembly
  • Richmondshire District Council
  • Newport City Hall
  • Caerphilly District Council
  • Lexem County Autonomous Region Council
  • Conwy County Council
  • Gramorgan Valley Council.

Sunderland Council, South Tyneside Council, Eastbourne Home Rule Council and Loose District Council have also taken action. Telford and Leakin Councils are also in the process of joining the list.

Lee Gyngell, Public Relations Manager for the RSPCA, a local government in the UK, said:

“Owning a pet is a big responsibility. Goldfish can make great companions, but they shouldn’t be won over by playing momentarily. Goldfish are stressful and changes in water temperature can impact the prize fish. They are often under oxygen, lacking in oxygen or die Many people may die before the new owner takes them home.

“They are misunderstood pets, because they can be great companions. But they can actually be difficult to care for, and new owners buy fish, not after they buy it. You need to do a little research before you do it.”

When you first bring your fish home, it’s important to set up the tank at least two weeks in advance so that everything runs smoothly. This is not possible for those who get the fish without preparation. ..


They are creatures with complex needs (Image: Getty Images)

Julie Carr, Minister for Open Spaces at Lewes District Council, said: Offering animals as prizes is a cruel, outdated and unstable practice that does not exist in modern society.

“We changed the lease for the land in 2021 to stop offering fairs and similar events like goldfish prizes. We hope many other councils will do the same.

What the RSPCA really needs for goldfish:

  • Goldfish can grow very large (about 8 inches long for better varieties, 12 inches long for larger varieties) and can live up to 30 years. It is recommended that young goldfish be placed in at least 60 liters of water per fish, but adults need more space.
  • “Check the space, depth and surface needed for the number and size of the fish and find a way to accommodate the fish in their new home. Find out what foods your fish eat, how often and how often. Avoid overfeed them by feeding small, frequent meals.
  • It includes plants that promote the growth of aquatic animals, provide additional food, provide shade, and release oxygen into the water for fish.
  • Find out which species of fish can live together: Goldfish on both sides can’t swim as fast as fish on one side, so they may miss out on food if kept with one species. There is sex.
  • “Fresh fish must be kept away from other fish for a short period of time to prevent the spread of the disease.
  • “Get to know your goldfish to help find signs of any aquarium problems, fish illnesses or injuries; if in doubt, seek the advice of an experienced veterinarian and fish keeper.”

Lee further states: “There is a lot of momentum behind the RSPCA campaign. Thousands of people supported us in last year’s campaign.

“We were pleased to hear in Congress last week that Sir Goldsmith of Richmond Park, Minister for Animal Welfare, mentioned pets as a prize and said that Defra had commissioned work on this in the UK. The ultimate aim is to ban this practice completely.

We hope to spread the message further this summer and encourage other local governments in England and Wales to ban pet incentives on their land and tackle animal issues in other seasons. ..

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