Migraines can get in the way. (Image: Getty Images)

With our fast-paced, demanding, and (often) stressful lives, it’s no wonder more and more people are experiencing headaches in this digital age.

Migraines affect 20% of women and 6% of men. Patients with common symptoms usually experience severe headaches with pain in the front or side of the head.

Stress migraines can occur at any time and range in severity from mild to completely debilitating.

However, hot weather can also trigger migraines.

Fortunately, there are ways to lessen the effects of migraines or eliminate them altogether.

Experts recommend trying these tricks.

rest in a dark room

Woman sleeping with pet dog on sofa

Sleep also helps with problems (Image: Getty Images)

If you suffer from migraines, you may be “particularly sensitive to light and sound,” says Parvinder Sagu, chief pharmacist and health advisor for SimplyMedsOnline.

“Lie down (or sit) in a dimly lit or dark room, close your eyes, and relax your back, neck, and shoulders,” he explains.

Parvinder recommends “minimum movement”.

Try to stay there for a few hours, or at least until the migraine subsides a bit.

try a massage

Let someone else gently massage the muscles of your head, neck and shoulders, or give them a more targeted massage, advises Pervinder Sag.

Use your fingertips to gently massage the sore area in circular motions for a few seconds.

A good massage can help loosen and relax knotted muscles, which is especially beneficial for stress and tension migraines.

break caffeine

woman drinking coffee

To drink coffee or not to drink, that is the question (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Parvinder calls this a “Catch-22” situation because caffeine can relieve stress migraines, but it can also trigger them.

“Caffeine is known to help relieve tension headache symptoms by making pain relievers work better and faster.

This is why caffeine is often an ingredient in pain relievers.

See how you react and if you feel it making your migraines worse, avoid stimulants.

apply hot or cold compresses

Cold and heat can relieve pain and muscle tension that can cause migraines.

“Taking a hot shower and massaging the affected areas of the head and neck with the shower can help relieve migraine symptoms with heat,” says Pervinder.

“You can also try hot water bottles, hot towels, or hot packs.”

If you like it cold, wrap an ice pack (or frozen peas) in a towel and place it on the affected area.

try acupressure techniques

Sad depressed young woman feeling tired migraine headache sitting on sofa, desperate embarrassed sad female suffering from problem, regretting accidental abortion and crying at home alone

This provides quick pain relief (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Acupressure techniques are a type of targeted massage known to provide quick relief from migraine pain.

“Place your fingers near the base of your skull and find the depressions on either side where your head meets your neck, then press your fingers inward and slightly upward until you feel light pressure,” says Pervinder.

“While pressing, move your fingers in small circular motions for about two to three minutes.”

neck exercises

This can lead to migraine headaches caused by keeping your head in the same position for a long time, such as sitting in front of the computer for long periods of time.

“Place your hands on your forehead and use your neck muscles to gently press your forehead into your palms,” says Pervinder.

“Keep your head up and your hands and arms still to resist. This relieves tension in your temples and the front of your head.”

try over-the-counter medications

If your migraines are affecting your daily life and aren’t getting better, you may want to try over-the-counter medications to treat the problem.

These medications are safe, effective, and help treat migraine causes and symptoms.

When in doubt, contact a medical professional who can give you the best advice.

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